IE11(2014年4月更新版)における WebGL 対応状況 半年ほど前に IE11 版における WebGL の対応状況について調べましたが、 2014年の振り返りとして、再度、確認してみました。 中でも8月に公開された WebGL 更新プログラム(KB2976627)によりレンダラーの更新およびパフォーマンス向上が図られているようです。 また、iPhone6 を入手したのに伴い、iOS8 の WebGL 対応状況も合わせて調べてみました。 WebGL の対応状況については、以下のサイトにて確認を行いました。 ■ Device Initialization - Samples - Turbulenz Engine
Now that Apple has released iOS 8 beta, I had a look at their WebGL implementation in mobile safari. I think it's great that WebGL is finally coming to iOS. However I could not help to notice some shortcomings of their implementation, and I'd like to expand upon those in this post. ContentsUpdate: iOS 9.3Update: iOS 8 Beta 3Update: iOS 8 Beta 2WebGL capabilitiesHardcoded constraints on iOSMissing
Construct 3 Create stunning games in the worlds best 2D game engine
So Apple dropped a few significant bombshells at WWDC today. But bundled away between all of their fancy new APIs and Swift language was the fact that they’ve finally, finally unleashed WebGL in Safari. On both desktop AND mobile. As you can imagine I was excited to download iOS8 right away and test it out with Phaser and Pixi. And wow, I was not disappointed! Using the highly un-technical, but ne
Tappy Chicken is out now, shipped simultaneously on iOS, Android, and HTML5. Available as a free, lightweight download, it’s the first UE4 game released on any of those platforms, and one of the first overall. The entire game was built by a single artist (Shane Caudle) with no traditional programming skills. It is a content-only game (contains no C++ code), with all of the gameplay created entirel
In July 2011, Apple released Safari 5.1 bringing WebGL to OS X users. WebGL advocates the world over rejoiced - except there was a catch. WebGL was disabled by default, hidden behind a flag buried deep within Safari's preferences panel. The general expectation was that a switch to 'on by default' could not be far behind. Almost 3 years on, it seems this view was seriously misjudged. But now, it se
Construct 3 Create stunning games in the worlds best 2D game engine