Ten Thousand Cents is a digital artwork that creates a representation of a $100 bill. Using custom drawing tool, thousands individuals working in isolation from one another painted tiny part the bill without knowledge overall task. Workers were paid cent each via amazon's mechanical turk distributed labor tool. Total cost of the bill, creation, and reproductions available for purchase are all $100
wow, i'm surprised how much everyone likes this. it's just something i've been toying around with every now and then, it all started when i would draw glasses or beards on money with the counterfeit pen on the registers at work and just grew in to a hobby. also, keep in mind that a lot of these were taken with camera phones or in low lighting moments before i had to spend them (i'm a poor college
当サイトの著作物の無断転載、無断使用を一切禁じております。Copyright (C) HASEGAWA YOSUKE All Right Reserved. コメントなんぞもらえたら飛び上がって喜びますので、メール、もしくは ミクシィの日記にでも、ドシドシ書き込んでくだせ。 長谷川洋介 back
Washington, DC on $85 a Day Update on the lastest viral phase from Google+ and lauren.vortex.com at the bottom of this (long!) backstory... --- Fun with perspective around Washington, DC. The US $5, $10, $20 and $50 notes feature the Lincoln Memorial, US Treasury, White House and Capitol respectively. (The $1 and $2 don't feature buildings, while the $100 features Independence Hall, in Philadelphi
Everyone wants to open a bar. Financially it is one of the worst investments you could ever make, but the cool factor is off the charts. If you really want to make money in the saloon industry I suggest the "money on the wall" theme. The money on the wall theme is to have every patron in the bar write something stupid on a dollar bill and tack it on the wall. After several years you can build up 1
Allen Francis was an academic advisor, librarian, and college adjunct for many years with no money, no financial literacy, and no responsibility when he had money. To him, the phrase “personal finance,” contains the power that anyone has to grow their own wealth. Allen is an advocate of best personal financial practices including focusing on your needs instead of your wants, asking for help when