Accuracy is the proximity of measurement results to the accepted value; precision is the degree to which repeated (or reproducible) measurements under unchanged conditions show the same results. Accuracy and precision are two measures of observational error. Accuracy is how close a given set of measurements (observations or readings) are to their true value. Precision is how close the measurements
Established in 1996, the Journal of Statistical Software publishes articles on statistical software along with the source code of the software itself and replication code for all empirical results. Furthermore, shorter code snippets are published as well as book reviews and software reviews. All contents are freely available online under open licenses. We aim to present research that demonstrates
Spotfire is an indispensable partner in your quest to solve complex problems. Think smarter, faster, and bolder—without limitations. The most powerful computers in the world cannot do what the human mind can. And the smartest human brain can’t do what the most powerful computers can. But when they work symbiotically, amazing things can happen. And they happen with Spotfire. What is Spotfire? Spotf
In probability theory and statistics, the gamma distribution is a versatile two-parameter family of continuous probability distributions.[1] The exponential distribution, Erlang distribution, and chi-squared distribution are special cases of the gamma distribution.[2] There are two equivalent parameterizations in common use: With a shape parameter α and a scale parameter θ With a shape parameter a
RjpWiki はオープンソースの統計解析システム R に関する情報交換を目的とした Wiki ですRjpWiki はオープンソースの統計解析システム 《R》 に関する情報交換を目的とした Wiki です † どなたでも自由にページを追加・編集できます. (初めて投稿・既存記事への追加・修正を行なう方はこのページ末の注意*1を御覧下さい) ページへのファイル添付については、画像ファイルのみパスワードなしで可能としてあります(ページ上部「画像添付」より)。その他のファイルの添付はパスワードを入力することで可能です(ページ上部「ファイル添付」より)。現在のパスワードは, Rでの round(qt(0.2,df=8),3) の実行結果です。 スパム書き込みに対処するため、書き込み系の処理に対してパスワードを設けました。ユーザ名の欄には,Rで round(qt(0.2,df=8),3) を実行