

released on Aug 21, 2007


released on Aug 21, 2007

BioShock is a horror-themed first-person shooter set in a steampunk underwater dystopia. The player is urged to turn everything into a weapon: biologically modifying their own body with Plasmids, hacking devices and systems, upgrading their weapons, crafting new ammo variants, and experimenting with different battle techniques are all possible. The game is described by the developers as a spiritual successor to their previous PC title System Shock 2. BioShock received high praise in critical reviews for its atmospheric audio and visual quality, absorbing and original plot and its unique gaming experience.

Also in series

BioShock 2 Remastered
BioShock 2 Remastered
BioShock Remastered
BioShock Remastered
BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea
BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea
BioShock Infinite
BioShock Infinite
BioShock 2
BioShock 2

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I bought this game on the strength of it being referenced constantly for the decade after its release. As I remember it, the discourse held it as a kind of landmark of gaming so I finally got it on sale with the other bioshocks.

I don't think I got much more than an hour or two into it and lost interest when I realized it was basically just a kind of mediocre fps, if we're honest. You can't fault it for not having a unique and well done design, but... I also just didn't really like the style, either.

Bioshock feels like kind of the peak of old school games that focused on campaign mode before generative and community based games came into vogue.

Engraçado como o tempo muda a nossa opinião, eu achava esse o mais fraco dos três e rejogando agr e platinando percebi toda a superioridade desse game, sem me estender muito, atmosfera, história incrível jogão 10/10

Simplesmente um dos jogos com uma das melhores ambientação dos games, se não a melhor, na qual eu joguei em toda a minha vida.

Bioshock combina perfeitamente e executa com maestria todos os seus aspectos: jogabilidade, design, atmosfera, história e diálogos, criando uma experiência totalmente imersiva e inesquecível pra mim.

Embarrasingly, I had only ever played maybe the first hour or two of this game way back in 2007/2008, and then just...never picked it back up? Not sure why, but sadly I did know the twist coming into this "re"-play over 15 years later.

And even though I knew the twist, I still had an excellent time with this game. The art direction is impeccable. The narrative is thoroughly engaging, the weapons are fun to use. My only major complaint is your character's movement can feel a little stiff at times, but that's about all I've got in terms of negatives.

Phenomenal experience. This a game that EVERYONE should play through at least once.

My #1 game of all time. My favorite environment and atmosphere in gaming, the story is 10/10, the gameplay was right up my alley with a perfect blend of FPS and RPG. I replay this at least once a year.

Damn, the writing in the dialogues (or monologues I guess) is amazing. Please, if you plan on going through it, I recommend listening to all the tapes you can collect.

RIP John Maynard Keynes