Try to live a week as The Postal Dude doing everyday chores on your to-do list, such as picking up milk at the grocery store. In a world where cats can be used as assault rifle silencers, it's not surprising that a milk carton costs 5 bucks. Stealing said carton might be relatively easy in your basic corner shop, but when the shop is owned by a bunch of trigger happy jihadists, you might want to think twice about trying to leave without paying for your overpriced groceries. Little mistakes like that might just flip the switch and make you go postal.

Also in series

Postal 2: Corkscrew RuLes!
Postal 2: Corkscrew RuLes!
Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend
Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend
Postal 2: Share the Pain
Postal 2: Share the Pain
Postal: Special Delivery
Postal: Special Delivery

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It’s so terrible and offensive, that it actually wraps back around to being amazing.

Eu viro a esquina e tem alguém tentando me fuzilar. Acho que eu entendo o sentimento de vazio que o Carteiro Cara tem nessa cidade.

quelle narration de dingue (yen a pas) (achetez mes porte clef)

Undeniably fun. You can spend hours just running around Paradise, killing/torturing braindead NPC's and playing the hilariously random missions. Trust me, when I say random, I mean random. You'll literally go from fighting Gary Coleman to the ATF...but the gameplay loop does get stale eventually. After about 10 hours of messing around and playing through all the missions. I was definitely ready to finish it, but it was good fun, and you can tell the developers really care about this game considering that they continue to add new DLC and pop culture references.

Imagine playing mario sunshine thinking that's the peak of video games and one day, someone hands you this saying "that's how video games are like on pc".
And oh my god, it's a little masterclass of crass 2000's humor and immersive sim bits that changed my perception of video games forever.

What do you mean there's four ways to solve each objective?
Wait, i can piss on donuts and feed them to cops? And they puke? and i can behead them with a shovel? and their neckhole puke? MY FRAGILE LITTLE MIND