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2★ - More bad than good, but not terrible
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Farewell is essentialy everything about Celeste amped up to 11. The soundtrack reaches even more heights that I thought was possible (Farewell is now one of my favorite tracks in all games that I played which honestly aren't many), the gameplay employs crazier tricks such as wavedashing - which is the culmination of Celeste's whole thing of letting the player figure out the timing, a challenge by itself -, the return of basically all gameplay mechanics with new ones to really spice everything up, the length that justifies it as DLC even if for free, and a Moon Berry to make your life hell for a couple more hours than just the regular thing.

Favorite part was the PowerPoint presentation bit (and the music I guess).

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I was really surprised by how good Celeste turned out to be. The story is simple, but with very clear themes about how accepting the darker side of yourself is key to getting through your own Mountain. The gameplay is extremely refined, and I love how 1) it doesn't tell you everything, leading you to experiment for far it goes despite the small amount of actions you can do and 2) when it teaches you something new, if makes the player figure out how it all works by themself, not trying to hold your hand but allowing you to fail by the generous death system and the whole "be proud of your death count" thing.

Favorite levels are 6A, 8A and 7A (nothing bad about the B-Sides per se, but the increased difficulty can get in your nerves and the fact you need to unlock 8B and Farewell by doing the other 7 can be frustrating to some). The Crystal Heart puzzles were either pretty clever or too confusing for their own sake, which is the only part where I felt I needed help on. Everything else (minus Goldens because I don't wanna waste my life on them) really felt like my own personal achievement for going through with it, especially when I could've just not done the C-Sides and gone straight to Farewell, but I admit my completionist heart also helped on that regard.

Near flawless game, sometimes too cryptic for its own good, insane soundtrack by Lena Raine and the remixers on the B-Side levels, polished gameplay, but I don't see myself replaying it any time soon, a bit too stressing but at the same time 7A is too short of a place to stop.

70 bucks OST with a free game to boot