Papers by Laura Demeter PhD.
Erschütterung. Erde und Erbe in der Krise: Tremor. Earth and Heritage in Crisis, Heidelberg:, edied by Hönig, Svenja and Špikić, Marco, 2024
If ever valid, certainly not now, when the place both of the past and future is too much usurped ... more If ever valid, certainly not now, when the place both of the past and future is too much usurped in our minds by the restless and discontented present. The very quietness of nature is gradually withdrawn from us; thousands who once in their necessarily prolonged travel were subjected to an influence, from the silent sky and slumbering fields, more effectual than known or confessed, now bear with them even there the ceaseless fever of their life; and along the iron veins that traverse the frame of our country, beat and flow the fiery pulses of its exertions, hotter and faster every hour."

Starting for the statement within the discourse on heritage formation that not everything is heri... more Starting for the statement within the discourse on heritage formation that not everything is heritage not will end up acquiring the status of heritage, but anything has the potential to become heritage, in my presentation I am interested in identifying the mechanisms involved in the process of creation of "heritage" when particularly dealing with material assets of the communist past. One central problem to be presented is how historical assets are negotiated and assessed as culturally valuable and they are being incorporated, perceived and preserved as components of the national cultural heritage. Since of the amount of material present from the communist past is enormous, I will focus my presentation on two particular sites of the historic interest, namely the civic centre in Bucharest, the Victory of Socialism with a focus on the House of the People and the collections of the former museum of the Communist Party in Romania.

Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest
CG, SYMMLQ, and MINRES are Krylov subspace methods for solving symmetric systems of linear equati... more CG, SYMMLQ, and MINRES are Krylov subspace methods for solving symmetric systems of linear equations. When these methods are applied to an incompatible system (that is, a singular symmetric least-squares problem), CG could break down and SYMMLQ's solution could explode, while MINRES would give a least-squares solution but not necessarily the minimum-length (pseudoinverse) solution. This understanding motivates us to design a MINRES-like algorithm to compute minimum-length solutions to singular symmetric systems. MINRES uses QR factors of the tridiagonal matrix from the Lanczos process (where R is uppertridiagonal). MINRES-QLP uses a QLP decomposition (where rotations on the right reduce R to lower-tridiagonal form). On ill-conditioned systems (singular or not), MINRES-QLP can give more accurate solutions than MINRES. We derive preconditioned MINRES-QLP, new stopping rules, and better estimates of the solution and residual norms, the matrix norm, and the condition number.
Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest , 2020
Distribution électronique pour Presses Universitaires de France. © Presses Universitai... more Distribution électronique pour Presses Universitaires de France. © Presses Universitaires de France. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
International Journal of Heritage Studies , 2019
Conference: HERITAGE 2014 4th International Conference th on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Guimarães, Portugal, 2014
The Handbook of COURAGE: Cultural Opposition and Its Heritage in Eastern Europe edited by Apor, Balázs, Apor, Péter, Horváth, Sándor, 2018

International Journal of Heritage Studies , 2019
In the course of the second half of the twentieth century, the consolidation of the institutional... more In the course of the second half of the twentieth century, the consolidation of the institutional and normative framework in heritage protection and preservation was marked by continuity in Western European societies. This meant that heritage lists, and in particular, the values for which assets had been listed, were not subjected to major changes or revisions. However, in 1989, this opportunity was provided to former socialist European countries once their regimes had become obsolete. In this context, not only was history reassessed but opportunities emerged that allowed the opening of a new chapter in the politics of heritage preservation. The current paper discusses the continuities and discontinuities of heritage legitimisation following the dismissal of the communist regime in Romania. In particular, it focuses on the impact of the historical break of 1989, as well as the transition, on the heritage evaluation and listing processes. The role of the state in these processes will be questioned against the background of a fragile institutional and normative framework.
Book Reviews by Laura Demeter PhD.
Eriksen, Anne: From Antiquities to Heritage. Transformations of Cultural Memory (Time and the World. Interdisciplinary Studies in CulturalTransformations). New York: Berghahn Books 2014. ISBN 978-1-78238-298-0; VII, 179 S., 2014
Books by Laura Demeter PhD.
Esslingen am Neckar), Sophie Leighton (Leeds, UK) Satz: Michael Braun (RGZM) Umschlaggestaltung: ... more Esslingen am Neckar), Sophie Leighton (Leeds, UK) Satz: Michael Braun (RGZM) Umschlaggestaltung: Claudia Nickel (RGZM) nach Vorlagen von Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig (Foto: M. Wittenhorst) und RGZM (Foto: R. Müller)
Papers by Laura Demeter PhD.
Book Reviews by Laura Demeter PhD.
Books by Laura Demeter PhD.