Kathleen Jennings
[Image Description: artwork depicting human skeletons dancing in a field of blue flowers. End image description.]
I’m just so happy that this weird little guy showed up at your house smelling bad and looking kinda funky and you picked him up and said “you live here now and we love you” and he went “okay :) yay” i hope one day i can help a cat like you helped catrick
this thing broke into my second story bedroom window and screamed at me if I didn’t let him in. I had no choice. I love him so much
the vibe i bring to the function
It was dreamlike. Nightmarish? Not always. Sometimes it was beautiful.
Annihilation (2018)
dir. Alex Garland
wesame lab fw23
He creeps me out with his human-like hands…
Giola, April 2003.
Ph. Dao J.
Shelley Duvall and Sissy Spacek in, '3 Women,' 1977
au where there's no tuunbaq but jacko just snaps one day and kills half the officers on erebus before someone takes her down