Papers by Setyoningsih Subroto
![Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Strategi Marketing Public Relations dalam Membangun Citra Batik untuk Generasi Muda](
Batik telah diakui oleh UNESCO sebagai warisan budaya dunia , n amun ketertarikan generasi muda t... more Batik telah diakui oleh UNESCO sebagai warisan budaya dunia , n amun ketertarikan generasi muda terhadap batik kian menurun. Di tengah keadaan ini, tahun 2015 muncul merek batik premium ”Negarawan” dengan market generasi muda. Negarawan berkembang menjadi merek yang kuat dibuktikan dengan pengikutnya di Instagram hingga 24 ribu. Negarawan menggunakan strategi marketing public relations untuk membentuk citra merek. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian studi kasus. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan melalui wawancara dan observasi partisipatif. Data sekunder didapat melalui studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi dan data primer diperoleh dari dua informan kunci Chief Executive Officer, Chief Marketing Officer dan tiga konsumen Negarawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi three ways strategy marketing public relations saling mendukung dalam membentuk citra merek. Push strategy berperan dalam mendorong penjualan, pull dalam meningkatkan partisipasi...
![Research paper thumbnail of PERAN CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE (CQ) DALAM KEPEMIMPINAN LINTAS BUDAYA (Studi Fenomenologi pada Gandhi Memorial Intercontinental School Semarang)](
There were several studies about expatriate leadership that conducted in Indonesia, but those are... more There were several studies about expatriate leadership that conducted in Indonesia, but those are only focuses on the experience of living and working abroad. Consequently, this study aims to investigate the role of cultural intelligence (CQ) in cross-cultural leadership effectiveness, within the context of Indian-Indonesian cultural differences. Besides, what kind of leadership style that practiced by an expatriate leader as the result of CQ's role. This study used a qualitative method and conducted in one of the international schools in Semarang. The participants of this study contain 5 peoples (an Indian Principal, 2 school coordinators, and 2 teachers). Each participant delivered briefly about all the points that used in this study. The data were gathered by using in-depth interviews to revealed that all aspects in CQ (metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, behavioral) thoroughly have the main role in the Principal’s cross-cultural leadership effectiveness. The result of th...
![Research paper thumbnail of Indonesia Government’s Responses to COVID-19: A Critical Review to Pre-Crisis and Crisis Phase](
Jurnal Interaksi : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia divides society's opinion into 2 sides. The opinion was mo... more The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia divides society's opinion into 2 sides. The opinion was mostly affected by the government’s responses during the pre-crisis and crisis phase. Therefore, this study aims to review the government’s crisis responses that already appeared. A qualitative method was used to determine the issue. The data are taken from COVID-19 official websites and online news portals portrayed from February until April 2020. From the data resource, the author then found that some mistakes appeared both in the pre-crisis and crisis phase. The mistakes consist of; ( 1) lack of emergency responses to crucial information, (2) inappropriate key messages, (3) inconsistent statements from the government, (4) the changing of spokesperson Furthermore, the author provides several recommendations to the Indonesian government for the proper response during the pre-crisis and crisis-phase for the other issue in the future. The recommendations are; (1) being consistent in every information that delivers to society, (2) avoid controversial statements, (3) form a communication task force team to develop and convey the message. Keywords: crisis communication, Indonesia, COVID-19
![Research paper thumbnail of Peran Cultural Intelligence (CQ) dalam Kepemimpinan Lintas Budaya (Studi Fenomenologi pada Gandhi Memorial Intercontinental School Semarang)](
There were several studies about expatriate leadership that conducted in Indonesia, but those are... more There were several studies about expatriate leadership that conducted in Indonesia, but those are only focuses on the experience of living and working abroad. Consequently, this study aims to investigate the role of cultural intelligence (CQ) in cross-cultural leadership effectiveness, within the context of Indian-Indonesian cultural differences. Besides, what kind of leadership style that practiced by an expatriate leader as the result of CQ's role.
This study used a qualitative method and conducted in one of the international schools in Semarang. The participants of this study contain 5 peoples (an Indian Principal, 2 school coordinators, and 2 teachers). Each participant delivered briefly about all the points that used in this study.
The data were gathered by using in-depth interviews to revealed that all aspects in CQ (metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, behavioral) thoroughly have the main role in the Principal’s cross-cultural leadership effectiveness. The result of the data analysis indicate that the Principal has some characteristics of an effective leader, such as communicative, pay attention to the well-being of the staffs, listen carefully to the suggestion from the staffs, and directly see the conditions that faced by the staffs. Besides, the role of CQ also resulted in the Principal's leadership style, which shows bureaucratic but with a touch of nurturant side inside. The Principal is task-oriented, but still, keep a good relation with the staffs through motivation and praise.
Keyword: Cultural Intelligence (CQ), Cross-Cultural, Leadership, Qualitative
![Research paper thumbnail of Kaitan Oligopoli dan Arsitektur Perusahaan pada Industri Minuman Berkarbonasi di Indonesia](
Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas Ekonomi Manajerial dengan dosen pengampu Prof. Dr. H. Suyudi Mangun... more Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas Ekonomi Manajerial dengan dosen pengampu Prof. Dr. H. Suyudi Mangunwihardjo DISUSUN OLEH: SETYONINGSIH SUBROTO (12010112130063) MANAJEMEN KELAS E FAKULTAS EKONOMIKA DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO SEMARANG 2014 I. PENDAHULUAN I.1 Latar Belakang Minuman berkarbonasi, atau yang lebih akrab disebut soft drink merupakan suatu varian minuman yang sangat lekat dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Definisi dari minuman berkarbonasi sendiri adalah minuman yang ditambahkan gas karbondioksida. Semua kalangan tentu pernah, bahkan sering mengonsumsi minuman tersebut. Selain mudah didapat, beberapa restoran waralaba terkenal menyertakan soft drink sebagai bagian dari menu minumannya. Rasanya yang nikmat, menyegarkan, dan tersedia dalam berbagai varian rasa membuat minuman berkarbonasi begitu lekat dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Penulis melihat bahwa industri minuman berkarbonasi di Indonesia termasuk dalam bentuk pasar oligopoli, di mana hanya terdapat beberapa produsen saja, yaitu; PT. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (produsen Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, dan lain-lain), PT. Prima Cahaya Indobeverages (produsen Pepsi, 7up, dan lain-lain, awalnya bernama PT. Pepsi-Cola Indobeverages, namun kemudian diakusisi oleh salah satu anak perusahaan Indofood), dan PT. AJE Indonesia (produsen Big Cola). Setiap perusahaan tersebut memiliki ciri tersendiri, baik dari segi produk, strategi pemasaran, hingga manajemennya. Penulis melihat bahwa bentuk pasar oligopoli dalam industri minuman berkarbonasi ini sangat menarik untuk diteliti, karena industri ini bukan merupakan industri yang bisa berdiri sendiri di Indonesia. Dapat dilihat dari tiga perusahaan yang telah disebutkan penulis sebelumnya, perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut merupakan cabang dari perusahaan internasional dan telah memiliki reputasi yang kuat, sehingga tidak menciptakan celah bagi produsen baru (lokal) untuk ikut serta meramaikan industri tersebut. I.2 Rumusan Masalah I.2.1 Apakah model pasar oligopoli yang tepat bagi industri minuman berkarbonasi di Indonesia? I.2.2 Perusahaan manakah yang tepat untuk disebut sebagai perusahaan dengan arsitektur yang ideal?
Sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu, Indonesia kerap didatangi oleh orang-orang asing dari berbagai neg... more Sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu, Indonesia kerap didatangi oleh orang-orang asing dari berbagai negara. Orang-orang tersebut datang dengan berbagai tujuan, mulai dari berdagang hingga melakukan penjajahan. Ketika datang dan hidup di Indonesia selama beberapa waktu, tentu orang-orang tersebut membawa kebudayaan dari negara mereka masing-masing. Tak pelak, kondisi tersebut memunculkan fenomena lintas budaya dalam berbagai aspek, salah satunya adalah kuliner. Perkembangan ragam kuliner nusantara tentu tak dapat dipisahkan dari kehadiran orang-orang asing yang pernah menetap di Indonesia. Fenomena lintas budaya yang terjadi menciptakan suatu keunikan tersendiri dalam kuliner Indonesia.
Papers by Setyoningsih Subroto
This study used a qualitative method and conducted in one of the international schools in Semarang. The participants of this study contain 5 peoples (an Indian Principal, 2 school coordinators, and 2 teachers). Each participant delivered briefly about all the points that used in this study.
The data were gathered by using in-depth interviews to revealed that all aspects in CQ (metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, behavioral) thoroughly have the main role in the Principal’s cross-cultural leadership effectiveness. The result of the data analysis indicate that the Principal has some characteristics of an effective leader, such as communicative, pay attention to the well-being of the staffs, listen carefully to the suggestion from the staffs, and directly see the conditions that faced by the staffs. Besides, the role of CQ also resulted in the Principal's leadership style, which shows bureaucratic but with a touch of nurturant side inside. The Principal is task-oriented, but still, keep a good relation with the staffs through motivation and praise.
Keyword: Cultural Intelligence (CQ), Cross-Cultural, Leadership, Qualitative
This study used a qualitative method and conducted in one of the international schools in Semarang. The participants of this study contain 5 peoples (an Indian Principal, 2 school coordinators, and 2 teachers). Each participant delivered briefly about all the points that used in this study.
The data were gathered by using in-depth interviews to revealed that all aspects in CQ (metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, behavioral) thoroughly have the main role in the Principal’s cross-cultural leadership effectiveness. The result of the data analysis indicate that the Principal has some characteristics of an effective leader, such as communicative, pay attention to the well-being of the staffs, listen carefully to the suggestion from the staffs, and directly see the conditions that faced by the staffs. Besides, the role of CQ also resulted in the Principal's leadership style, which shows bureaucratic but with a touch of nurturant side inside. The Principal is task-oriented, but still, keep a good relation with the staffs through motivation and praise.
Keyword: Cultural Intelligence (CQ), Cross-Cultural, Leadership, Qualitative