Profile by Dov Bernard Hercenberg
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Histoire de l'art by Dov Bernard Hercenberg
Philosophie by Dov Bernard Hercenberg

Résumé : Une observation attentive de ce qui se passe à la base d’un arbre à cernes, entre tronc ... more Résumé : Une observation attentive de ce qui se passe à la base d’un arbre à cernes, entre tronc et racines est l’occasion d’une méditation sur le rapport entre unité et pluralité, complexité et invisibilité. Mais cette lecture n’est pas seulement l’occasion d’une démarche phénoménologique entre botanique et philosophie. Elle amène à s’interroger sur ce qui dépasse la seule phénoménologie et la guide peut être dans cette réflexion qui n’est pas sans rappeler la problématique de l’arbre de la connaissance des premiers chapitres de la Genèse.
Mots clef : Complexité, invisibilité, unité, pluralité, arbre de la connaissance, bible, Heidegger.
A careful observation of what happens at the base of a tree with rings, between trunk and roots, allows to meditate about the relationship between unity and plurality, complexity and invisibility. However, this reading provides not only the opportunity for a phenomenological approach between botany and philosophy. It raises questions about what goes beyond the only phenomenological and, perhaps, moves it in a way of thinking which is reminiscent of the theme of the tree of knowledge in the early chapters of Genesis.
Key words: Complexity, Invisibility, Unity, Plurality, Tree of Knowledge, Bible, Heidegger

La thématique du retrait traverse l’œuvre de Heidegger : elle est inséparable de sa quête de l’êt... more La thématique du retrait traverse l’œuvre de Heidegger : elle est inséparable de sa quête de l’être (qui se dévoile en se voilant), de ses conceptions de la vérité et de la terre. Mais cette multi-présence du rapport entre don et rétraction n’est pas seulement inscrite dans la manière de penser de Heidegger. Elle concerne aussi le développement de Sein und Zeit, inachevé. La question qui s’impose est alors celle de savoir si et dans quelle mesure cette thématique ne relève que d’une dimension philosophique ou bien si elle n’a pas aussi à voir, chez Heidegger, avec une dimension biographique.
Mots-clés : être, don, retrait, tenir compte de, vérité, oubli, terre, cheminement.
The theme of the withdrawal goes through Heidegger’s work, inseparable from his quest for the being (who emerges while veiling), from his ideas of truth and earth. However, that multipresence of the link between donation and withdrawal is not only part of the way of thinking of Heidegger. It also affects the development of Sein und Zeit, left unfinished. So, in Heidegger, the very question is to know whether - and in what extent - the theme is only philosophical or if it also includes a biographical aspect.
Key words: Being. Donation. Withdrawal. Truth. Oblivion. Earth.

Etre et temps dote de moyens de penser supposés nous libérer d’une voie sans issue : du rapport k... more Etre et temps dote de moyens de penser supposés nous libérer d’une voie sans issue : du rapport kantien au monde et de ce qu’Heidegger considère comme une erreur métaphysique générale. Sein und Zeit sera pourtant interrompu avant son achèvement et, rétrospectivement, Heidegger mettra certains de ses paramètres en question. Comme si Heidegger aussi ne s’était pas donné les moyens nécessaires à son projet, au moment voulu, et que, suggérerons-nous, pris dans son propre combat avec le christianisme, il avait répété et déplacé, à son insu, en 1927, ce dont il voulait se séparer, engageant par là une impasse et un tournant, la richesse d’un combat et d’un débat.
Mots-clefs: Métaphysique, séparation, finalité, déplacement, répétition
Being and Time grants ways of thinking supposed to liberate us from a dead end: from the Kantian relation to the world and from what Heidegger considered to be a general metaphysical error. Sein und Zeit was nonetheless left unfinished and retrospectively Heidegger will question some of its parameters. It is as if Heidegger had not given himself the means necessary for his project, at the required moment, and that, we would like to suggest, caught up in his own struggle with Christianity, he had repeated and displaced, without knowing it, in 1927, that from which he wanted to separate himself. In so doing, he came upon an impasse and a turning point, and upon the richness of a struggle and a debate.
Key words: Metaphysics. Separation. Finality. Displacement. Repetition.
Claude Vigée. La traversée du siècle, pp. 191-209.
Le génie du philosophe, 1990
Ce livre interroge l'équilibre entre affirmation de soi et infini, le rapport entre volonté de... more Ce livre interroge l'équilibre entre affirmation de soi et infini, le rapport entre volonté de puissance et conscience d'altérité. Car c'est le travail sur l'altérité qui édifie le royaume et la négation d'altérité qui produit l'exil et la crise des limites. Cette problématique qui est au cœur de l'histoire hébraïque lui confère sa portée universelle et à venir. Car de plus en plus puissante, l'humanité entière risque la plus grande négation d'au-delà qui soit et en cela, de faire de l'exil la condition existentielle de demain.
Le génie du philosophe, 1990
Ce livre interroge l'équilibre entre affirmation de soi et infini, le rapport entre volonté de... more Ce livre interroge l'équilibre entre affirmation de soi et infini, le rapport entre volonté de puissance et conscience d'altérité. Car c'est le travail sur l'altérité qui édifie le royaume et la négation d'altérité qui produit l'exil et la crise des limites. Cette problématique qui est au cœur de l'histoire hébraïque lui confère sa portée universelle et à venir. Car de plus en plus puissante, l'humanité entière risque la plus grande négation d'au-delà qui soit et en cela, de faire de l'exil la condition existentielle de demain.

L’ébranlement d’une relation naturelle et fusionnelle, entre Perséphone et sa mère, la déesse des... more L’ébranlement d’une relation naturelle et fusionnelle, entre Perséphone et sa mère, la déesse des moissons Déméter, est l’occasion d’une réflexion sur une problématique centrale à tout processus d’émergence : la confrontation à la séparation. L’enlèvement de la jeune fille par son oncle, le roi des morts, le refus de la Korê de s’unir à lui, le compromis trouvé entre la volonté d’Hadès et les incessantes résistances de la mère et de la fille face à la séparation, nous conduisent à une interrogation sur le travail du négatif, plus précisément sur la tension entre séparation nécessaire et séparation impossible et sur le sens de cette tension pour le processus créateur.
Mots-clefs : Séparation. Impossible. Négatif. Compromis. ‘Surmontement’. Processus créateur.
The perturbation of a natural and inseparable relationship between Persephone and her mother, Demeter, the goddess of harvests, provides the opportunity to reflect on a problem central to every process of emergence: being faced with separation. The abduction of the young girl by her uncle, the king of the dead; the refusal of Kore to join with him in marriage; the compromise found between Hades’ desires and the continuous resistance of mother and daughter when faced with separation; all these lead us to pose questions about the working of the negative, or more precisely, the tension between necessary and impossible separation, and the meaning of this tension for the creative process.
Key words: Separation. Impossible. Negative. Compromise. Surmounting. Creative process.
La philosophie hégélienne passe d’une conception de la séparation comme ce qui fait obstacle à la... more La philosophie hégélienne passe d’une conception de la séparation comme ce qui fait obstacle à la conscience du tout à une autre où la séparation devient indispensable à l’élaboration de La Phénoménologie. Bernard Dov Hercenberg s’intéresse aux étapes de cette maturation et à ce vers quoi elle conduit ; il montre qu’en devenant un moment nécessaire à la constitution du principe, la séparation est mise au service de ce qui est achèvement et totalité (du savoir). Ce développement l’amène à s’interroger sur la tension entre séparation nécessaire et séparation impossible.

Du manque à l’œuvre, pp. 145-190., 2001
Le sujet fait l'expérience du particulier d'une façon qui risque de le limiter à la déterminité e... more Le sujet fait l'expérience du particulier d'une façon qui risque de le limiter à la déterminité et de le priver d'une connaissance des choses ouverte sur l'autre et le principe. Mais le souci d'altérité peut aussi dévaloriser le spécifique. Si le travail du négatif vise à perdre ce qui empêche l'accès à la transcendance, quelle conception du sacrifice implique-t-il ? Le récit biblique du périple nourricier permet de réfléchir à ces questions en les situant par rapport aux modèles hébreux et christologiques du .
MOTS-CLEFS : Sacrifice. Perte. Élévation. Surmontement. Amoncellement. Nourricier. Pré-lèvement. Édification.
The subject experiences the particular in a way which risks limiting it to Bestimmtheit and depriving it of knowledge of things open to the other and do the principle. But the concern that it be other than what it is can also devalue the specific. If the work of the negative has its goal to lose what hinders access to transcendence, what conception of the sacrifice is implied? The biblical story of the nutritive journey allows one to reflect on these questions by situating them in relation to the Hebraic and Christological models of the “going beyond”.
Key words: Sacrifice, Loss, Elevation, Going beyond, Accumulation, Nutritive, Setting apart, Building up.
Profile by Dov Bernard Hercenberg
Histoire de l'art by Dov Bernard Hercenberg
Philosophie by Dov Bernard Hercenberg
Mots clef : Complexité, invisibilité, unité, pluralité, arbre de la connaissance, bible, Heidegger.
A careful observation of what happens at the base of a tree with rings, between trunk and roots, allows to meditate about the relationship between unity and plurality, complexity and invisibility. However, this reading provides not only the opportunity for a phenomenological approach between botany and philosophy. It raises questions about what goes beyond the only phenomenological and, perhaps, moves it in a way of thinking which is reminiscent of the theme of the tree of knowledge in the early chapters of Genesis.
Key words: Complexity, Invisibility, Unity, Plurality, Tree of Knowledge, Bible, Heidegger
Mots-clés : être, don, retrait, tenir compte de, vérité, oubli, terre, cheminement.
The theme of the withdrawal goes through Heidegger’s work, inseparable from his quest for the being (who emerges while veiling), from his ideas of truth and earth. However, that multipresence of the link between donation and withdrawal is not only part of the way of thinking of Heidegger. It also affects the development of Sein und Zeit, left unfinished. So, in Heidegger, the very question is to know whether - and in what extent - the theme is only philosophical or if it also includes a biographical aspect.
Key words: Being. Donation. Withdrawal. Truth. Oblivion. Earth.
Mots-clefs: Métaphysique, séparation, finalité, déplacement, répétition
Being and Time grants ways of thinking supposed to liberate us from a dead end: from the Kantian relation to the world and from what Heidegger considered to be a general metaphysical error. Sein und Zeit was nonetheless left unfinished and retrospectively Heidegger will question some of its parameters. It is as if Heidegger had not given himself the means necessary for his project, at the required moment, and that, we would like to suggest, caught up in his own struggle with Christianity, he had repeated and displaced, without knowing it, in 1927, that from which he wanted to separate himself. In so doing, he came upon an impasse and a turning point, and upon the richness of a struggle and a debate.
Key words: Metaphysics. Separation. Finality. Displacement. Repetition.
Mots-clefs : Séparation. Impossible. Négatif. Compromis. ‘Surmontement’. Processus créateur.
The perturbation of a natural and inseparable relationship between Persephone and her mother, Demeter, the goddess of harvests, provides the opportunity to reflect on a problem central to every process of emergence: being faced with separation. The abduction of the young girl by her uncle, the king of the dead; the refusal of Kore to join with him in marriage; the compromise found between Hades’ desires and the continuous resistance of mother and daughter when faced with separation; all these lead us to pose questions about the working of the negative, or more precisely, the tension between necessary and impossible separation, and the meaning of this tension for the creative process.
Key words: Separation. Impossible. Negative. Compromise. Surmounting. Creative process.
MOTS-CLEFS : Sacrifice. Perte. Élévation. Surmontement. Amoncellement. Nourricier. Pré-lèvement. Édification.
The subject experiences the particular in a way which risks limiting it to Bestimmtheit and depriving it of knowledge of things open to the other and do the principle. But the concern that it be other than what it is can also devalue the specific. If the work of the negative has its goal to lose what hinders access to transcendence, what conception of the sacrifice is implied? The biblical story of the nutritive journey allows one to reflect on these questions by situating them in relation to the Hebraic and Christological models of the “going beyond”.
Key words: Sacrifice, Loss, Elevation, Going beyond, Accumulation, Nutritive, Setting apart, Building up.
Mots clef : Complexité, invisibilité, unité, pluralité, arbre de la connaissance, bible, Heidegger.
A careful observation of what happens at the base of a tree with rings, between trunk and roots, allows to meditate about the relationship between unity and plurality, complexity and invisibility. However, this reading provides not only the opportunity for a phenomenological approach between botany and philosophy. It raises questions about what goes beyond the only phenomenological and, perhaps, moves it in a way of thinking which is reminiscent of the theme of the tree of knowledge in the early chapters of Genesis.
Key words: Complexity, Invisibility, Unity, Plurality, Tree of Knowledge, Bible, Heidegger
Mots-clés : être, don, retrait, tenir compte de, vérité, oubli, terre, cheminement.
The theme of the withdrawal goes through Heidegger’s work, inseparable from his quest for the being (who emerges while veiling), from his ideas of truth and earth. However, that multipresence of the link between donation and withdrawal is not only part of the way of thinking of Heidegger. It also affects the development of Sein und Zeit, left unfinished. So, in Heidegger, the very question is to know whether - and in what extent - the theme is only philosophical or if it also includes a biographical aspect.
Key words: Being. Donation. Withdrawal. Truth. Oblivion. Earth.
Mots-clefs: Métaphysique, séparation, finalité, déplacement, répétition
Being and Time grants ways of thinking supposed to liberate us from a dead end: from the Kantian relation to the world and from what Heidegger considered to be a general metaphysical error. Sein und Zeit was nonetheless left unfinished and retrospectively Heidegger will question some of its parameters. It is as if Heidegger had not given himself the means necessary for his project, at the required moment, and that, we would like to suggest, caught up in his own struggle with Christianity, he had repeated and displaced, without knowing it, in 1927, that from which he wanted to separate himself. In so doing, he came upon an impasse and a turning point, and upon the richness of a struggle and a debate.
Key words: Metaphysics. Separation. Finality. Displacement. Repetition.
Mots-clefs : Séparation. Impossible. Négatif. Compromis. ‘Surmontement’. Processus créateur.
The perturbation of a natural and inseparable relationship between Persephone and her mother, Demeter, the goddess of harvests, provides the opportunity to reflect on a problem central to every process of emergence: being faced with separation. The abduction of the young girl by her uncle, the king of the dead; the refusal of Kore to join with him in marriage; the compromise found between Hades’ desires and the continuous resistance of mother and daughter when faced with separation; all these lead us to pose questions about the working of the negative, or more precisely, the tension between necessary and impossible separation, and the meaning of this tension for the creative process.
Key words: Separation. Impossible. Negative. Compromise. Surmounting. Creative process.
MOTS-CLEFS : Sacrifice. Perte. Élévation. Surmontement. Amoncellement. Nourricier. Pré-lèvement. Édification.
The subject experiences the particular in a way which risks limiting it to Bestimmtheit and depriving it of knowledge of things open to the other and do the principle. But the concern that it be other than what it is can also devalue the specific. If the work of the negative has its goal to lose what hinders access to transcendence, what conception of the sacrifice is implied? The biblical story of the nutritive journey allows one to reflect on these questions by situating them in relation to the Hebraic and Christological models of the “going beyond”.
Key words: Sacrifice, Loss, Elevation, Going beyond, Accumulation, Nutritive, Setting apart, Building up.
Mots-clés : Pouvoir, certitude, manque, déficience, surmonter, responsabilité.
After Auschwitz, the question of emptiness for monotheistic theodicy, indeed for all the human history, leads to an exhaustive interrogation of the very sources of Jewish thought. With the concept of an all-powerful God placed in doubt, doubtful too becomes the possible harmonization of the various schools of thought concerning the signification of emptiness. For emptiness is an appeal for creation, but also for evil and yet still for responsibility; can these elements be brought into a dynamic and coherent correlation?
Key-words: Power, Certainty, Lack, Deficiency, To surmount, Responsibility.
How could a colour lead you from the perceptible to the realm of the invisible? It is about this tension that tells us the “tekhelet” (biblical “blue”), presented by the Hebraic texts as the colour of the crossing through the appearances, the memory and the divine. It is as if nature is offering, from the sea to the blue of the sky, a directional continuity and a perspective towards the ultimate. It is the History of the formation of this signification that we shall think about.
עבודה זו הינה על קו התפר שבין צילומים וטקסטים שניזונים לא מעט מתפיסות היידגריאניות