E könyvismertető a mobil kommunikáció tárgyában Magyarországon legutóbb megjelent, Nyíri Kristóf ... more E könyvismertető a mobil kommunikáció tárgyában Magyarországon legutóbb megjelent, Nyíri Kristóf szerkesztette könyvvel foglalkozik. A kötet egy hétéves, számos nemzetközi konferenciával és előző kötettel büszkélkedő kutatási program fő eredményeit összegzi. A recenzió szerzője a műfaj hagyományaihoz híven a kötet valamennyi tanulmányát megemlíti, és a projektnek azokat a filozófiai aspektusait hangsúlyozza, amelyeket az iskolafilozófusok gyakran megkérdőjeleznek.
In the first decade of the 21st century, distance learning (usually subject to course fees and re... more In the first decade of the 21st century, distance learning (usually subject to course fees and resulting in formal certification) was complemented by free-of-charge open learning courses with unlimited numbers of participants and no final certificate. Termed massive open online courses (MOOCs), these soon fell into different categories, depending on their concept. Among them are connectivist massive open online courses (cMOOCs) which emphasise a collaborative approach to learning. However, while initial enrolment is indeed massive, completion rates are very low and cMOOCs notoriously lack an appropriate method of evaluating learning progress and motivational resources. The author of this article suggests that one way of addressing this problem might be to adapt motivational formative assessment tools used in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) to cMOOCs. He argues that some characteristics of MMORPGs can be effectively incorporated in cMOOCs, thus benefiting fr...
In his target article, Werner proposes a metaphysical foundation for a radical constructivist epi... more In his target article, Werner proposes a metaphysical foundation for a radical constructivist epistemology that is nonetheless claimed to reconcile constructivism with some sort of realism. While …
This position paper of Working Group 2 of the European Network for Argumentation and Public Polic... more This position paper of Working Group 2 of the European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis (COST Action CA17132; https://publicpolicyargument.eu) reviews goals and functions of public argumentation. Drawing on a variety of disciplines, the paper introduces basic distinctions and charts out options. It is meant to guide reflection on the conceptual basis for the Action’s subsequent research regarding the analysis, evaluation, and design of public argumentation.
In this paper I shall argue on Rortyan grounds that the twoMy aim is not to develop an anti-Carte... more In this paper I shall argue on Rortyan grounds that the twoMy aim is not to develop an anti-Cartesian argument. That has been done by the authors I directly or indirectly refer to. Neither is my aim to show that naturalism or socio-historicism alone could not do the job. They probably could. My point is twofold, consisting of a descriptive and a normative claim: first, to demonstrate convergences between two recent,
In his target article, Werner proposes a metaphysical foundation for a radical constructivist epi... more In his target article, Werner proposes a metaphysical foundation for a radical constructivist epistemology that is nonetheless claimed to reconcile constructivism with some sort of realism. While acknowledging his success in demonstrating that constructivism without an external/internal dualism is suitable for his purposes, I shall argue that rejecting a distinction between epistemological and ontological issues makes it questionable whether PL metaphysics can make constructivism compatible with realism.
Danka I. (2015) Constructivism and realism. How to take constructions to be real and reality not ... more Danka I. (2015) Constructivism and realism. How to take constructions to be real and reality not to be constructed yet. In: Kanzian C., Mitterer J. & Neges K. (eds.) Realism, relativism, constructivism. Contributions of the 38th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel: 59-61.
In my paper I shall investigate Rorty's claim how Kant's philosophy is a reductio ad absurdum of ... more In my paper I shall investigate Rorty's claim how Kant's philosophy is a reductio ad absurdum of the traditional object-subject distinction. I shall argue that most of the common arguments against Rorty's philosophy are based on the same mistake as some of the common arguments against Kant (shared by Dewey and Rorty as well). Though their philosophies differ in several aspects with no doubt, in their anti-skeptical and hence Anti-Cartesian strategy, central to all three of them, they follow the same sort of argumentation.
These principles were taken seriously by neopragmatist philosophers, first of all by Richard Rort... more These principles were taken seriously by neopragmatist philosophers, first of all by Richard Rorty, who also emphasized the differences between the old and the new pragmatists. The new pragmatism, he wrote in his book Philosophy and Social Hope, "differs from the old in just two respects, only one of which is of much interest to people who are not philosophy professors. The first is that we new pragmatists talk about language instead of experience, or mind, or consciousness, as the old pragmatists did. The second respect is that we have all read Kuhn, Hanson, Toulmin and Feyerabend, and have thereby become suspicious of the term 'scientific method'. New pragmatists wish that Dewey, Sidney Hook and Ernest Nagel had not insisted on using this term as a catchphrase, since we are unable to provide anything distinctive for it to denote." (PSH 95) The obvious reason for these differences is that Rorty knew European culture and philosophy as well as American pragmatism and the analytic tradition. He was familiar not only with the philosophical epoch from Plato to Hegel, but he also wrote several papers about the leading 20th century philosophers (Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Gadamer) and about recent developments in Continental philosophy: Habermas, Foucault and Derrida. With respect to intellectual history and ideology, from among the three historically available
Abstract: The main thesis of this essay is that practice is superior to a 'theoretical vs. p... more Abstract: The main thesis of this essay is that practice is superior to a 'theoretical vs. practical' distinction. In this sense, every sort of knowledge is essentially 'practical'; so-called 'theoretical' knowledge is an historically overemphasised borderline example of the ...
E könyvismertető a mobil kommunikáció tárgyában Magyarországon legutóbb megjelent, Nyíri Kristóf ... more E könyvismertető a mobil kommunikáció tárgyában Magyarországon legutóbb megjelent, Nyíri Kristóf szerkesztette könyvvel foglalkozik. A kötet egy hétéves, számos nemzetközi konferenciával és előző kötettel büszkélkedő kutatási program fő eredményeit összegzi. A recenzió szerzője a műfaj hagyományaihoz híven a kötet valamennyi tanulmányát megemlíti, és a projektnek azokat a filozófiai aspektusait hangsúlyozza, amelyeket az iskolafilozófusok gyakran megkérdőjeleznek.
In the first decade of the 21st century, distance learning (usually subject to course fees and re... more In the first decade of the 21st century, distance learning (usually subject to course fees and resulting in formal certification) was complemented by free-of-charge open learning courses with unlimited numbers of participants and no final certificate. Termed massive open online courses (MOOCs), these soon fell into different categories, depending on their concept. Among them are connectivist massive open online courses (cMOOCs) which emphasise a collaborative approach to learning. However, while initial enrolment is indeed massive, completion rates are very low and cMOOCs notoriously lack an appropriate method of evaluating learning progress and motivational resources. The author of this article suggests that one way of addressing this problem might be to adapt motivational formative assessment tools used in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) to cMOOCs. He argues that some characteristics of MMORPGs can be effectively incorporated in cMOOCs, thus benefiting fr...
In his target article, Werner proposes a metaphysical foundation for a radical constructivist epi... more In his target article, Werner proposes a metaphysical foundation for a radical constructivist epistemology that is nonetheless claimed to reconcile constructivism with some sort of realism. While …
This position paper of Working Group 2 of the European Network for Argumentation and Public Polic... more This position paper of Working Group 2 of the European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis (COST Action CA17132; https://publicpolicyargument.eu) reviews goals and functions of public argumentation. Drawing on a variety of disciplines, the paper introduces basic distinctions and charts out options. It is meant to guide reflection on the conceptual basis for the Action’s subsequent research regarding the analysis, evaluation, and design of public argumentation.
In this paper I shall argue on Rortyan grounds that the twoMy aim is not to develop an anti-Carte... more In this paper I shall argue on Rortyan grounds that the twoMy aim is not to develop an anti-Cartesian argument. That has been done by the authors I directly or indirectly refer to. Neither is my aim to show that naturalism or socio-historicism alone could not do the job. They probably could. My point is twofold, consisting of a descriptive and a normative claim: first, to demonstrate convergences between two recent,
In his target article, Werner proposes a metaphysical foundation for a radical constructivist epi... more In his target article, Werner proposes a metaphysical foundation for a radical constructivist epistemology that is nonetheless claimed to reconcile constructivism with some sort of realism. While acknowledging his success in demonstrating that constructivism without an external/internal dualism is suitable for his purposes, I shall argue that rejecting a distinction between epistemological and ontological issues makes it questionable whether PL metaphysics can make constructivism compatible with realism.
Danka I. (2015) Constructivism and realism. How to take constructions to be real and reality not ... more Danka I. (2015) Constructivism and realism. How to take constructions to be real and reality not to be constructed yet. In: Kanzian C., Mitterer J. & Neges K. (eds.) Realism, relativism, constructivism. Contributions of the 38th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel: 59-61.
In my paper I shall investigate Rorty's claim how Kant's philosophy is a reductio ad absurdum of ... more In my paper I shall investigate Rorty's claim how Kant's philosophy is a reductio ad absurdum of the traditional object-subject distinction. I shall argue that most of the common arguments against Rorty's philosophy are based on the same mistake as some of the common arguments against Kant (shared by Dewey and Rorty as well). Though their philosophies differ in several aspects with no doubt, in their anti-skeptical and hence Anti-Cartesian strategy, central to all three of them, they follow the same sort of argumentation.
These principles were taken seriously by neopragmatist philosophers, first of all by Richard Rort... more These principles were taken seriously by neopragmatist philosophers, first of all by Richard Rorty, who also emphasized the differences between the old and the new pragmatists. The new pragmatism, he wrote in his book Philosophy and Social Hope, "differs from the old in just two respects, only one of which is of much interest to people who are not philosophy professors. The first is that we new pragmatists talk about language instead of experience, or mind, or consciousness, as the old pragmatists did. The second respect is that we have all read Kuhn, Hanson, Toulmin and Feyerabend, and have thereby become suspicious of the term 'scientific method'. New pragmatists wish that Dewey, Sidney Hook and Ernest Nagel had not insisted on using this term as a catchphrase, since we are unable to provide anything distinctive for it to denote." (PSH 95) The obvious reason for these differences is that Rorty knew European culture and philosophy as well as American pragmatism and the analytic tradition. He was familiar not only with the philosophical epoch from Plato to Hegel, but he also wrote several papers about the leading 20th century philosophers (Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Gadamer) and about recent developments in Continental philosophy: Habermas, Foucault and Derrida. With respect to intellectual history and ideology, from among the three historically available
Abstract: The main thesis of this essay is that practice is superior to a 'theoretical vs. p... more Abstract: The main thesis of this essay is that practice is superior to a 'theoretical vs. practical' distinction. In this sense, every sort of knowledge is essentially 'practical'; so-called 'theoretical' knowledge is an historically overemphasised borderline example of the ...
Papers by Istvan Danka