Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Dutch"
O significado de "Dutch" em várias frases e orações
O que significa out of Dutch?
"In Dutch" is a rather old-fashioned way to say "in trouble." Kim's in trouble with her boss because she recommended Jimmy to the other firm working with their firm, and now that Jimmy screwed up it looks bad on her and her boss. It's unfair, but that's how professional reputations are sometimes.
O que significa Dutch courage?
The number is called the "registration number" in America, and I think the British call it the same thing. (In America it's informally called the "licence plate number".)
The thing where the registration number is displayed in called a "licence plate" in America, and a "number plate" in the UK.
The thing where the registration number is displayed in called a "licence plate" in America, and a "number plate" in the UK.
O que significa Dutch?
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O que significa Dutch treat ?
In a restaurant for example, a waiter might say "Is this on separate bills, or all together?" Or if you're going to the movies with friends you might say "Should we just each pay our own way (in)?" or "Should we each buy our own tickets?" If you'd like examples for specific cases, I can provide them, no problem!
Palavras similares a "Dutch" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre Dutch e Netherlands ?
The country is the Netherlands and the people who live there are Dutch.
Just like there is a country called Japan where people called Japanese live.
Just like there is a country called Japan where people called Japanese live.
Traduções de "Dutch"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Dutch
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Dutch
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? كيف حالكin Dutch please
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Outras perguntas sobre "Dutch"
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar Dutch.
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Dutch pay
Is it used still now?
Is it used still now?
The phrase is usually "going dutch" it is still used, but not very common.
which one is correct?
1. Dutch is my main language.
2. Dutch is my native language.
1. Dutch is my main language.
2. Dutch is my native language.
Number 2
Dutch is very nice and ancient language soa natural?
yeah add the "a"
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