Seed Starting

Get steps for starting vegetable, herb, perennial or flower seeds indoors or outdoors, and saving garden seeds! Whether you have a setup in the house with lights and heat mats for germinating seeds, or a window ledge, you’ll get easy DIY tips and growing hacks for beginners. Find everything from a calendar of dates, schedules, charts, guides and tutorials, to equipment (germination trays, pots, labels, fertilizer, soil, storage organizers), and how to avoid mistakes like over watering or mold.
1,593 Pins
Choosing the Best Winter Sowing Soil (and which types of soil to avoid!)
Choosing the best soil for winter sowing is easy once you know what to look for, and what to avoid. So don’t try to cut corners and buy cheap dirt, the cost of a good quality medium will be well worth it in the long run. In this winter sowing soil guide, I'll show you which potting soil medium to use for winter seed sowing (and which ones to avoid).
How To Prepare Containers For Winter Sowing (step-by-step guide!)
Preparing your containers and getting them ready for winter sowing seeds is easy, and it doesn’t take much time. I'll show you how to properly prepare your winter sowing containers, and give you some tips that will help speed things up for you. Preparing winter sowing containers takes a little bit of time, but it’s easy to do. If you have a lot of them, then create an assembly line to get the job done faster.
How and When to Use Grow Lights for Seedlings (plus, the best lights to use!)
In this grow light guide, you'll discover everything you need to know about using grow lights for seedlings. Including whether or not you need them, the best types to use, when to turn them on and for how long, how set them on an automated schedule, and much more. Adequate lighting is extremely important for success with seedlings, and it will give them a healthy start to life. Plus you’ll find that it makes your job much easier, with less waste and frustration.
17 Of The Easiest Seeds to Start Indoors (both flower and vegetable options!)
When you pick from this list of the easiest seeds to start indoors, you’re sure to have great success! Then, once you become a pro at these easy seeds, you can move on to trying more difficult ones. Choosing the easiest seeds to start indoors is important, especially if you’re a new gardener. To help you be successful, I put together a list of some easy plants to grow indoors from seed, both flowers and vegetables.
How to Clean Containers Before Winter Sowing (save time and money!)
Reusing plastic containers that you would otherwise throw out is one of the great things about winter sowing seeds. As an added bonus, you can even save and reuse some of them year after year. It means you don’t have to hunt for new ones every year, and spend time preparing all of them. Look for containers that can withstand the dishwasher, that will make cleaning them even easier.
A Quick-Start Guide to Winter Sowing (designed for beginners!)
Winter sowing is a fun and easy way to grow your seeds. In this quick-start guide, I cover everything from the benefits and when to begin, all the way through to maintenance and transplanting. Plus I’ll give you detailed step-by-step instructions to show you exactly how to do it.
17 Easy Seeds to Direct Sow in Your Garden (vegetables, herbs, and flowers!)
I put together this list of the easiest seeds to direct sow to get you started. Some seeds will grow better when planted directly into the garden. And direct planting some types of seeds is SO MUCH easier than starting them indoors. In this guide, I have broken down my list of easy seeds to direct sow into two sections. The first one is for vegetables and herbs. The second section is my favorite flowers that are the easiest to direct sow in your garden.
7 Most Common Seedling Problems (how to fix them and prevent them!)
One of the questions I get asked the most by new gardeners is “What’s wrong with my seedlings?“ In this seedling care guide, I’ll help you troubleshoot your seedling problems to find the cause and give you detailed fixes and solutions, so you can finally stop struggling. I'll walk you through the most common seedling problems, identify the main causes, and give you the solutions for exactly how to fix them. Plus, how to prevent seedling problems from occurring.
Growing Tomatoes From Seeds, Step-by-Step (plus, seedling care and planting tips!)
Growing tomatoes from seed can be challenging. Once you know how, it really isn’t that difficult. In this tomato growing guide, I’ll show you exactly when and how to plant your tomato seeds so you’ll always have strong and healthy seedlings. I’ll share step-by-step instructions for planting and germinating them, plus essential seedling care tips. And, how to transplant your seedlings into your vegetable garden.
Simple Seed Starting Methods Every Gardener Should Try (plus, the pros and cons of each method!)
In this seed starting guide, I’m going to tell you all about 3 sowing techniques every gardener should try, the pros and cons of each, and which seeds work best for each method. Guess what, there is not one perfect method for all types of seeds; they each have pros and cons. Rather than forcing one technique on all of your seeds, you should try all three types of sowing. We will cover starting seeds indoors, direct sowing seeds in your garden, and winter sowing seeds.
How to Repot Seedlings Into Larger Containers (in 5 quick steps!)
Repotting seedlings is a wonderful way to ensure that you grow strong, healthy seedlings for your garden. Once you learn the signs to watch for, you’ll know which ones need to be potted on, and exactly when to do it. In this seedling guide, I'll talk about the benefits and tell you exactly when to move them to a bigger pot. We discuss the best types of containers and soil to use, and provide step-by-step instructions for how to repot seedlings quickly and easily.
Ultimate Seed Starting Guide (designed for beginners!)
Growing seeds is fun and easy when you follow the tips and steps above. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to start all of your plants from seeds. In this Ultimate Guide to Seed Starting, designed for beginner gardeners, I’m going to show you everything you need to know about how to start seeds: including different ways to do it, how and when to begin, and much more! Plus, how to track what you grow.
17 Of The Easiest Seeds to Direct Sow (vegetables, herbs, and flowers!)
It turns out that some seeds will grow better when planted directly into the garden. And direct planting some types of seeds is SO MUCH easier than starting them indoors. In this direct sowing guide, I've broken my list of easy seeds to direct sow into two sections. The first section is for vegetables and herbs. The second section is my favorite flowers that are easiest to direct sow in your flower garden.
How to Grow Onions From Seed (plus proper seedling care; great for beginners and pros alike!)
Planting onion seeds is actually very simple. Gather your supplies and follow the steps in this seed-starting guide to make the process easy. Once you know all the steps, supplies, and tips on growing onions from seed, you’ll be able to enjoy any type you like and tackle it with confidence. Plus, check out my tips, FAQs, and proper seedling care instructions to ensure the biggest and best crop in your vegetable garden.
Frequently Asked Winter Sowing Questions and Answers (FAQs) Guide
Winter Sowing Frequently Asked Questions Guide. Here are the most common questions I get asked about winter sowing seeds or the ones I hear most often, along with a detailed answer. If you can’t find your answer in this post, check out my full list of winter sowing guides first. This winter sowing guide is designed for beginner gardeners and pros alike.