
20 Pins
Ways to Connect the Mind and Body
When it comes to connecting the mind and body, it truly comes down to building awareness. 👀 Awareness of the connection between the two at any given moment. 🧘‍♀️
Smudge Your SPACE 💨🔥 #smudge #white #sage #whitesage #whitesagecleanse #whitesagesmudge #Pablo #Santo #pablosanto #PaloSanto #pablosantos #palosantowood
4 Breathing Exercises for Ultimate Relaxation | Stress Relief | Mental Health | Self-Care
Unwind and relax with these 4 soothing breathing exercises! From deep belly breaths to calming box breaths, discover simple techniques to ease stress and promote relaxation. Perfect for anyone seeking mindfulness and tranquility. #BreathingExercises #RelaxationTechniques #Mindfulness #StressRelief #SelfCareTips #WellnessJourney #HealthyLiving #PinterestInspiration
Affirmations to cleanse your aura and energy before bed- wake up feeling refreshed and radi… | Affirmation quotes, Healing affirmations, Energy healing spirituality
Somatic Workout Plan #HealthyLiving #Wellness #HealthTips #yoga #SelfCare #HealthyLifestyle #somat
Here is a somatic workout plan that you can do at home. Somatic exercises focus on improving the mind-body connection, relieving stress and promoting relaxation. Remember to listen to your body and move slowly, paying attention to the sensations. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting a new workout routine, especially if yo...#Unleashing #Somatic #Yoga #Practice #Embodied #the #Wisdom #Through #NutritionTips #Wellness #Within #HealthyLifestyle #FitnessTips #FitLife #SelfCare