Confidence - Believe in Yourself!

Ready for unstoppable confidence? You've found the board for you! #confidence #confident #self-confidence #believe in yourself #self-belief #personal growth #self-help #personal development #change your life #stand up for yourself #love yourself #self-love #self-talk #self-awareness #self-care #bold #brave #inspire #inspiration #inspirational quotes #motivation #quotes #self-doubt #insecure #shy #introvert #scared #afraid
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How to Practice Mindfulness
Everyday mindfulness is the key to living a life of intention and purpose. Mindfulness is simply training your mind to pay attention to what’s actually going on rather than staying stuck in your distracted thinking. Mindfulness changes everything. If you’re open to it, mindfulness will work miracles in your life. Learn more 👉
17 Best Books on Confidence
The best way to shed self-doubt and step into confidence is to get some help from the experts. That’s exactly what this list of the 21 best books on gaining confidence lets you do: you get great advice and practical tools from folks who know A LOT about building confidence. The book list I’m sharing with you today features only the “best of the best.” Written by experts (from all fields and backgrounds), adored by readers around the globe, and backed by solid research. 👉
Why You Should Bet on Yourself
When you bet on yourself, you unlock a realm of potential that extends far beyond the ordinary boundaries of the life you’re experiencing right now. Betting on yourself is an act of faith in yourself, your abilities, and your potential. It’s not just about chasing success or achieving goals; it’s about embracing the belief that you are worthy of the investment of time and energy required to create the happy life you’ve always wanted to live. #confidence #beconfident #investinyourself
Identify & Stop Self-Sabotage
If you’re someone who struggles with self-sabotage, you’re not alone. Yet, take heart; you can break free from the cycle of self-sabotage, and I’m about to show you how. This blog takes a deep dive into what self-sabotage is, why it happens, and how to recognize self-defeating and self-destructive behaviors. Then, I’ll give you seven sure-fire strategies for defeating self-sabotaging behaviors, so you can start living the joyful, fulfilling, successful life you deserve.
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome perpetuates the belief that you don’t measure up. If that sense of inadequacy, self-doubt, and second-guessing your worth and capabilities resonates with you, it’s time you got some relief from this internal bully wreaking havoc on your life. T This blog post explores the foundations of imposter syndrome: what it is, its origins, and the psychology behind why you feel this way and how to overcome imposter syndrome 👉 #boostconfidence #selfconfidence #bemoreconfident
77 Affirmations for Self-Confidence
Affirmations are simple, positive statements that you repeat to yourself to replace negative thoughts and self-limiting beliefs with positive, uplifting, confidence-boosting self-talk. Confidence affirmations help you affirm your immense abilities and potential; they remind you of your true self-worth. Think of affirmations as a daily mental exercise to strengthen your belief in yourself while shedding self-doubt. Check out our list of 77 affirmations for boosting self-confidence. 👉
Stop Self-Sabotaging Behaviors
Self-sabotage commonly shows up as perfectionism, procrastination, disorganization, negative self-talk, or making unhealthy or poor choices that interfere with our happiness, success, or well-being. You can break free from the cycle of self-sabotage, and I’m about to show you how. #selfcare #selfimprovement #selfsabotage #selfdefeatingbehaviors #happierlife
Build Your Confidence Course
Normally $79, we're offering the How to Believe in Yourself More Fully course for FREE for a limited time. When you sign up, we’ll deliver thought-provoking lessons directly to your email inbox. You’ll receive one a day for five days. Each lesson will address a different aspect of self-confidence, self-acceptance, and self-worth. ❤️ Sign up today and start building your confidence today. 👉
Affirmations for Overcoming Self-Doubt
Many of us go through times in our lives when self-doubt and low confidence impact our ability to move forward to create the life we want. If you’re suffering from self-doubt right now, it’s helpful to change your inner dialogue. You want to move from self-criticism to self-encouragement and self-appreciation. I’ve created a list of affirmations for self-doubt that can help you build that nurturing, helpful, positive inner dialogue that will move you from doubt to confidence.
Fire Your Inner Critic!
How to Stop Being Self-Critical: Fire Your Inner Critic [39 Examples] 😍 - In this post, I teach you how to recognize and overcome toxic self-criticism and cultivate a more compassionate inner voice. You’ll learn what the inner critic is, how it developed, why its voice is so powerful, and what you can do to replace that inner bully with a nurturing, encouraging inner coach. #self-criticism #selflove #selfcare #selfkindness #selfawareness #selftalk #positiveselftalk #negativeselftalk
Self-Acceptance Lessons
When you begin to accept yourself, your self-esteem soars. When you feel good about yourself, you’re far more likely to be happier. There’s scientific evidence that people with a non-pretentious, healthy sense of self treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity. Self-acceptance is the key to more happiness in your life. #selflove #selfacceptance #believeinyourself
11 Best Books for Boosting Your Confidence
The books on this list are the very best books for building confidence and ditching self-doubt that I’ve ever read. #buildselfconfidence #booksonconfidence #bemoreconfident #believeinyourself #inspiringbooks #selfhelpbooks #personalgrowthbooks #confidencetips #confidencehabits #confidentwomen #selfconfident
Staying Positive in Negative Situations
Oh, if I had a penny for every time I practiced pumping myself up in anticipation of facing a difficult person or a negative situation (I'd have lots of pennies!). But, now I have the 9 tools it takes to stay positive in negative and uncomfortable situations with difficult people - and I'm sharing them with you (because they WORK GREAT!) 👉
Plagued By Self-Doubt?
When you’re plagued by self-doubt, your life sucks. It really does. Self-doubt stops you from living your best life by trapping you in fear-based thoughts that chip away at your confidence while magnifying your insecurities. Read out top 15 tips for dealing with self-doubt, insecurity, low-confidence, and imposter syndrome. #buildyourconfidence #reduceselfdoubt #bemoreconfident #confidencetips #confidentwoman #confidencehabits
Add More Joy to Your Life: 5 Tips
Joy is not just for special moments or some future date when everything is accomplished. A joyful life is one lived in the messiness of the present moment. Choosing joy is an antidote to life on autopilot, and it will help you find the fulfillment and pleasure you want and deserve. 😃 Here are 5 tips to get you started (click image to see). #happier #happiness #behappy #loveyourlife #joyfullife #happinesshabits #joy #justbehappy #happinesstips #happinesssecrets