
Just checked and my first attempt to take down FB because info taken out and compromised with possible info I posted abused. I thought it had said the data the first time but checked and it did not =( So I went back and then checked and the 2nd time ( the 2nd time the FB info did f/l into my mac computer and I cannot open it so I do not know what encryption or what it reads. I do know there are a lot of people I had that I unfriended that I did not know, but people were connected to some people I originally had friended on my FB page, which then grew to me requesting friends and being accepted. Social circles are not about who you know or how well, it is also a way to connect, the tricky part is you cannot tell with who, but life is risky. Just say you cannot deem a drug member or a gang member amongst the crowd, how can one deem if a FB friend or someone on social media is a bad or negative influence? Like in like, need to take the chance and find out that there are people that will hurt you and abuse you and use you, but the whole point of life is that people are valuable and the principle is not only monetary but it is more in putting effort and time and care and love and respect that is hard earned into relations(ships). I mean I had and there were more posts inputted and info taken out and compromised with possibly info I posted abused. I did deactivate the account finally because I do not feel safe on FB even if I make my posts public or private, the team or government has access to information in the wrong hands. LOL should not make personal information public because cannot trust people. My FB was my outlet for me in 2015 which is the actual start of my FB opening. I used it to be constructive and expressive and always honest and open and frank, only had a few followers then added more friends which I randomly accepted onto my page. It is not who you know or how many people you know. You just know that it is possible to have information put into the wrong hands, but Mark's team should have had a solid IT base that measured when information was hacked or switched around, like an AI system that does not allow manipulation of information but once posted, can't be edited or deleted or changed with a timestamp but date stamped and time stamped and permanent. If anything, nonpermanance means something to hide and nothing good. Whether you know someone and accept as a friend, the result is you never know so whether you post as a diary or a brand of who you are, the behind the scenes team is also responsible for knowing and monitoring and being aware of what is going on. I enjoyed FB but I take it down because I shared personal stories that may get me in trouble but unfortunately, I do not know if those stories saved or not the first time. I can recall what I wrote about is me being an apple which got me into a drastic but interesting HMMMM oh well, I will always remember I had some clever posts and interesting articles I wrote to self to share.I think to end the Privacy test on the social networking 4th ammendment, there should be a tracking application that privately allows people to be monitored like logged into location and whereabouts like if at home or out shopping or driving in car someplace, like a constant tracker of whether stationary or mobile. The whole suspect thing is tricky because people are tricky and can use it their advantage even when with people present, they can place someone in a vulnerable situation and preplan so plain view surveillance, so why not have the neighborhood watch system in effect with a network of cameras and people on every per square foot or few blocks away to monitor any activity and people should be able to text a major hotline if they feel in any uncomfortable situation, but even so, even my MAC has been hacked just like my iPhone and used to a disadvantage. The point is the privacy is invaded and hackers to exists internally or externally anyone is susceptible due to IP address and other IT interference, so the best bet is for me that I did not know the severity of public information being so expected to cause a ruckus amongst Congress or the police or the Supreme Court because privacy and confidentiality are important right to not infringe upon yet if someone does divulge information like I have innocently, then how to have known just until recently, this would be such a huge issue? People are held accountable for their own actions but when they invite others into their life via social media posts and interactions via text messaging or even calling or any type of electronic machine used, the possibility that information gets into the wrong hands is evidently clearly the issue to be avoided. I believe it involves trust but the world makes one so warped and wary and only trust a few people that the information posted is personal will and not intended to be slandered or spread around to use for another's pleasure, but for me FB is a means to express and communicate and connect and brand me so the true loss of privacy lacking lies in the fact that people are held responsible `and either band together or deceive together but there will be those that are scapegoats or those that are lackeys or those that are released from immunity but the case in point is that we should know that when information is gossiped around, then it causes an issue. If things are left alone in a sedentary state and unhindered and permanently kept, and indelible, then there is no means to remove the information and the person will have to think about whether they would be in trouble to being expressive yet first amendment is freedom of speech and expression and it is very important to consider that even within the home life, privacy is either hush hush and not disclosed which can also cause problems because privacy is dependent upon few people and when it counts and is important aside from superficial matters like food and clothing and materialism and questions as to did you go to grocery store or to gym or did you do this errand or where did you go for ice cream? I mean why not have an application track each individual and their social circle whereabouts like a monitor like an ankle bracelet style where you know none wants to go to jail or be a criminal or be accused but information can get in the wrong hands unknowingly like apparently information becomes publicly available via word or mouth or via search engines or links or alternate electronic tracking systems and then that information can also be illegally searched by Government officials. I know social posts and social media sites are identity, but I had not though about the implications up until recently with Mark Zuckerberg so I would say that I do not know how it got so out of hand, but the point was to catch a certain type of people? I mean I divulged information that I know is me publicly without thinking it could cause trouble, for who would have thought that information would become so risky and capitalized into a monumental dilemma over privacy and piracy? Well, how about we just time stamp and date stamp and use indelible ink to write everything and cannot erase nor go back nor edit nor repost nor alter nor delete but have the information locked to that particular user so no-one behind the scenes nor a hacker can have access to post into the account and have a certain signature assigned that is an avatar like thing that is kept for each post??? That I believe is the best means to track and keep up to date and protect the people, any person is vulnerable and to have on our phones a monitoring system of whereabout and we can choose to check in a location and enter it like home or work or school or mall or car or restuaraunt??? No-one wants to go to jail yet others can make some go to jail on purpose or not, the point is jail is not warranted and no-one deserves to be punished when it is usually group effort so not one but multiple parties and a community to blame because it starts with one person then enters into another person like telephone game. I think people are capable of preventing something but also are capable of being caught in something pretendedly manufactured or done as a non suspect when you become involved without knowing. The blame lies in probable cause and misplaced trust in friends or acquaintances or family or misplaced trust in technology. Obviously if one person is associated and not in the loop because not called upon and not recorded because unaware at the time and place what the seizure situation is the nonsuspected one is nonsuspect. People behind the scenes that know more and not tell each other or punch down and fight amongst each other are suspect and susceptible but the value and point is that people are valuable and should be placing value on relationships rather than cause mischief and over bound on the privacy of others and not be real but be pretend in situations and circumstances and cause probably more harm than good throughout the trial of relationships, yet the point is that people have their own informants in different social statuses and some are protected and others are not, but no probable cause. What is the real reason and issue at hand and what is the earned part in respect and trust is that relationships will test boundaries whether knowingly or not and the seizure of mere evidence is noncircumstancial for people are smarter and outsmart at different degrees at different times and suppress or hide information from each other but cause doubt or questions or active brain patterns to figure out what is really going on and how to be a problem solver so it will not affect anyone in the future. Teamwork is inevitable and you need yourself first to figure out that you have to not hide but now that this issue of privacy being invaded unknowingly has become a big issue, there is also the chance of blackmail but that is inadmissible because it then causes a mere collateral commotion of a snowball effect into a whole new brawl of problems and complications. I am an open person and surprised this has taken into account but it is better never than later because eventually privacy and piracy and omission and alteration and movement and editing and deleting and reposting and reediting and mishandling and misjudging personal or public information is an issue that will be brought up but first consider why the big fuss? It has to do with the fact that people stand up for each other yet tear each other down whether they know one another or not, and that is where the problem lies because the inadmissible one is the newbie or the easy one or the pretend one or the other excused one whether knowingly or not, but why cause harm to one another and cause a big fuss over something? People make mistakes that are simple when it is not involving killing or gore because humans are animate and know pain and suffering is never supposed to be pleasant and no-one should be subject to suffering for that is psychologically something amiss yet the truth is people can collaborate and cause something to happen and mistake someone else as the culprit, thus there should be a surveillance system yet evidence is misplaced or in the wrong hands too is possible so the best bet is to know that people can cause harm to one another unknowingly based on not being told enough information but we tend to assume the worst that causes more problems, the best bet is to have a chip that tracks the whereabouts and a code that can be released upon to provide safety and assistance and if there is a situation of kidnap or imminent abuse or danger, then an alarm in the neighborhood goes out where everyone is outside assmbled or a PA system goes out to alert the neighborhood to stay together. People need to trust more and that takes time and is supposed to be earned but even so trust wavers and you cannot fear people but you have to be tough but moderate and levelheaded and cool and it may seem you are too rude or an ahole or jerk but sometimes the right needs to be amended to make a wrong a right where everyone can benefit for not everyone can be so selfish because eventually what happens is life beats back at you or hits you back in the rear or to someone you know and care for if you least expect it. Life is a test of time that passes by each day so fast. We need to enjoy the days and times each day and solitary time or personal time is great because you are focusing on self and then you can recoup and focus on your pet or loved one or spouse or family but there is no set rule or agenda. Reasonable expectations are having none and knowing that if you do not think about your actions and you need to use your conscience together with other people meaning when it is important need to interact and maybe seem demanding or persistent but survey that suppression is admissible because you are not in the know and you were in misplaced trust and technology cannot prove that because he timing is off for mere evidence of that is just that. The person that does not know cannot be held accountable or at fault per se for not knowing and being suppressed and having misplaced trust in others whether friends or acquaintances or family. The new technology and the new system of social networking should be to have a questionnaire placed for fun as to how well we know people around us and that will enable us to open up and trust and lose the pretend mechanism and we should expect nothing more than to be treated with the same amount of respect and trust and care and love and protection as we deserve to show each other for we can get angry or mad easily for emotions that are intangible and close to the heart are easily expressed or controlled more than a human can fathom. So be wise and know that the future is not only face to face nor through AI advancements but it is also through the old-fashioned one on one and the chatting system and the questionairre system of how well do we know ourself and then who we can connect with and then get to know that person who then in turn can create out social network. For we cannot brand each other as friend or foe or pretend or real but know that the validity lies not in the jealousness or pettiness or the pretend ness but if you are going to invest time in someone, it should be because it is for a team effort uniting two or more people because it starts with one then moves to two then involves others but the pettiness lies in the selfishness and the plain view surveillance is that there is a higher entity or someone that will always know more than someone else, but be together on the same page and know that life is considered a gift and precious and not to be taken advantage of nor forged nor pretended but doctrine that there is no perfect timing and through time things change so even the effects and stories told change and like the telephone game information gets distorted after one person it goes out. The privacy of the daily right for people to be secure in their houses, papers, effects and against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, hopefully people will be accountable to not alter or edit or change anything themself. You can only trust yourself to monitor yourself and not have another party involved involuntarily so the probable cause is that recent developments and also through time, the information and daily privacy of daily movements and of electronics is to have a monitor in the electronic itself like a common denominator of a tv or a cd player or a computer or something that is consistently available in the home that is unhackable and unknowingly controlled by AI technology advancements. People should track when they enter the home be pressing a button and if they need help by pressing another button and when they exit the house for security purposes. These tools and devices and means can cause preventative measures or deception and harm and cause non confusion. People that live together and commune together form new stories and seem to coexist and create the same status updates and if the walls could talk, there are new technologies like information trackers via hearing devices or government spy like hearing aid devices or technologies that people have also like microchips that track and monitor and hear and there are external AI means to commune and read the mind via virtual reality that cannot justify everything but applies in many situations that it can fall into the wrong hands. Yet the individual has a reasonable expectation and can be their own law enforcement by noting privacy is not to be stepped upon but when the boundaries are stepped upon and it is used for harm to potentially threaten or not real;y protect anyone and targets someone in particular then it can be subject to criminal liability based on personal private statistics like nakedness or private bathroom or mirrored events that are not edited out and for pure public display of mock. Yet if someone chooses to publicly do something that seems a piece of privacy not controlled, then it can be freedom of expression, yet people have already used memes and poked fun of people and caused a commotion yet that is inadmissible because it takes only part of the story yet can cause admissible charges or assumptions to arise that are taken out of context for not everyone has two cents or common sense. Additionally, many people do not want to be exposed yet can be unknowingly, yet there are those that do it anyways, yet it has to be of consent so that it is done on someone's phone or computer via an application they downloaded, then free volition and will to amuse the public audience, but when it includes it for the sole purposes to purposefully and intentftully violate and cause damage to the reputation of an individual that is irreparable and that many people were tight in tighter social circles and swore to secrecy or had bonds to not violate the code of conduct, then misconduct has apparently evidently occurred where a target has been entered into the equation. So then how about people not abuse power and each other and use each other knowingly and jokingly and help find the humor in life and allow all to be at peace an live at peace. No-one wants war and to have anything negative or harmful or hurtful happen to themself or to those they care for. For if you have no care in the least amount then that is examining the issue that people have such an affect on one another to numb each other and pretend to have any activity relations and capable to share space together when knowing the relation is instantaneously of no avail. People help the people and random thoughts do exist for the brain can be silent but have random thoughts interjections of certain events or times come up or such random thoughts like a chaotic cacaphonous symphony playing on the classical station. I may have not covered all the issues from NOTE social networking and the fourth amendemt: location on FB, Twitter &4square from the 2012 case United states v. Jones Justice Samuel Alito asked whether the 4th amendment might extend and protection to new technology. On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 8:47 PM, Facebook <> wrote:
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