
747 Pins
Beyond Play: The Benefits of Swinging for Autistic Children
Beyond Play: The Benefits of Swinging for Children with Autism
Visual Keyring Support - TOOLS for Classroom Behavior Management
This visual support key-ring has been used with our students to learn new functional Communication in our Special Educational Classroom #Autismclassroom #Specialeducation #classroomManagementstrategies #Positivebehaviormanagement #preschool #visualcommunciation
Communication Desk Visuals (I want, I need, I feel) AAC Symbols - Special Ed
Desk Visuals for Communication Support! Choice boards for AAC users.Great for setting up your Special Education Classroom! For student who need visuals to request breaks, a walk, classroom materials, etc... Sentence Starters I feel...I want...I need...Two versions of a YES/NO boardSymbols for:Bathroom, break, walk, stop, finished, helpBlank template to be customized for each student's desk!Setting up your self-contained classroom?Check out my Morning Meeting Bundle and my Morning Meeting Binder