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Quotes about Life
I always forgive because I am Forgiven......but when someone hurts me over and over it gets old and their sorry doesn't mean a thing.
That's What She Saw
I know of one person in particular who needs to repeat this over and over until it sinks in.
the person you want most
een tekst die je uit het leven houd, blijf nieuwsgierig en oplettendheid kan geen kwaad.
Just because I am strong enough
Just because I am strong enough life quotes quotes quote hurt pain strong
Quotes about Life
Knowing you're being lied to is worse than being hurt by the truth, because some truths only make you angry while being lied to destroys your trust.
Love Quotes Pics
Yes, I loved him so, he was my husband, lover, best friend and father of my babies. I allowed to hurt me like no other person in my life. But the day came that I saw the truth he felt the same way I did but that woman was not me. :(
Silence - The Loudest Cry.
Quotes About Divorce Hurt | Awesome Quotes: Silence - The Loudest Cry.