
606 Pins
Blog: An Introduction to Psychological Safety
The key to team engagement (includes resource links) "Cognitively, team members believe that their questions, comments, and suggestions are received fairly and perceived as valuable, even when they don’t lead to an execution, task, or change."
Forthcoming 2nd edition of Nine Practices of 21st Century Leadership (pre-order)
Trial-and-error leadership is stressful and causes inefficiencies. Avoid wasted effort by leading effectively. You can pre-order my book, Nine Practices of 21st Century Leadership (2nd edition) at 20% off (good until 1 May).
Pragmatic Leadership in the New Normal
I just finished presenting to management at an international pharmaceutical company about leadership. While much attention is placed on "The Great Resignation," what about those who quit and stay? I call this "The Great Inertia." What motivates you to stay in your role? If you can't articulate what motivates you, you might fall into the inertia category: you stay but don't have a reason for staying other than you stayed the day before...and the day before... There is hope, though!
Catalina, A Leadership Story
#Videoblog - Catalina, A Leadership Story Catalina's story illustrates two leadership lessons that can help us more effectively lead others. Gary A. DePaul, PhD, narrates the personal story. He is a Speaker, Consultant, Researcher, Professor, and Podcaster.
Getting to DELIGHT in Volunteer Leadership Development
Join the conversation with Gary DePaul about transforming your engaged association members into active volunteers | February 16 at 12:00 PM EST (virtual) A volunteer Leadership Development virtual Workshop hosted by the Professional Development Consortium of Hampton Roads (PDCHR)
What Experts Say about Leadership Development (and more)
UNCC graduate students interviewed 24 leadership-development experts. Join us to learn what these experts shared February 17, 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST ISPI Bay Area/Boise State Virtual Chapter
Webinar: What experts believe about leadership development
What experts believe about leadership development In this webinar for ISPI Bay-Area/Boise State, I'll share research insights from my graduate students and myself. For professors, I'll share one way to help graduate students with their academic careers.
Leadership Book Giveaway
For this week only: for $0.00, download the book What the Heck Is #Leadership And Why Should I Care?
Your First Monday Action Plan
I've started a weekly guide to developing your #leadership called MAP: Monday Action Plan In a short video (this week is 01:49), I'll share an action that you can do throughout the week. | #LeadershipDevelopment
How to Get Top Line Management to Buy into Soft Skills Training
Article: How to Get Top Line Management to Buy into Soft Skills Training by Jack Bucalo through the HR Exchange Network #leadership #leadershipdevelopment
George Gu from Shanghai interviews Gary DePaul
My first international interview George Gu, from Shanghai City, China, asks me about my career and about how #leadership is radically evolving in the 21st Century.
Guest podcast appearance [19:20[ to discuss leadership
In this #podcast episode, I discuss #leadership https://talentculture.com/lessons-in-leadership-style-empathy-works/ with host, Meghan Biro of TalentCulture: Lessons in Leadership Style: Empathy Works #WorkTrends
What the Heck Is Leadership and Why Should I Care?
#Leadership enriches our lives. #Leadership #LeadershipBooks #WhatTheHeck This book is not for everyone. Those who embrace it may avoid unnecessary team unproductivity and enrich the team experience with feelings of inclusiveness!
What the Heck Is Leadership and Why Should I Care?
This leadership book inspired the Unlabeled Leadership #podcast - a short read with about 50 stories to illustrate acts of #leadership #whattheheck
What the film Hidden Figures and Choi Kwang Do Martial Arts can teach Leaders about Leadership
Blog: What the film Hidden Figures and Choi Kwang Do Martial Arts can teach Leaders about #Leadership by Sandra Wright through HPT Treasures