My MCAS Journey: “It’s Not a UTI, It’s Painful Bladder Syndrome!”
When a good doctor understands all your symptoms, along with your medical history, pieces it together – your life can change. I had such an experience when I was told my UTIs were not UTIs, they were in fact a sign that I had painful bladder syndrome. Click on the image for the blog post. #MCAS #UTI #PainfulBladderSyndrome #InterstitialCystitis
Interstitial Cystitis and Fibromyalgia
November is #BladderHealthAwareness month. There are many, many co-occurring issues that can come with Fibromyalgia (FMS). Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is one of them that isn’t mentioned much in the FMS community. I was diagnosed with IC about 15 years ago, when I was 40. However, I believe I’ve had some level of IC for most of my life.
My MCAS Journey: "It's Not a UTI, It's Painful Bladder Syndrome" [CC]
When a good doctor understands all your symptoms, along with your medical history, pieces it together - your life can change. I had such an experience when I was told my UTIs were not UTIs, they were in fact a sign that I had painful bladder syndrome. And here's everything about it... #MCAS #UTI #UrinaryTractInfection #PainfulBladderSyndrome #InterstitialCystitis
Interstitial Cystitis and Fibromyalgia
November is #BladderHealthAwareness month. There are many, many co-occurring issues that can come with Fibromyalgia (FMS). Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is one of them that isn’t mentioned much in the FMS community. I was diagnosed with IC about 15 years ago, when I was 40. However, I believe I’ve had some level of IC for most of my life.
My MCAS Journey: "It's Not a UTI, It's Painful Bladder Syndrome!"
When a good doctor understands all your symptoms, along with your medical history, pieces it together – your life can change. I had such an experience when I was told my UTIs were not UTIs, they were in fact a sign that I had painful bladder syndrome. And here’s everything about it… #PainfulBladderSyndrome #IC #MCAS #MastCellActivationSyndrome
Bladder instillations: what to expect at your procedure for interstitial cystitis / bladder pain
Bladder instillations: what to expect at your procedure for interstitial cystitis / bladder pain syndrome or other pelvic pain or urology condition. My experiences of how to prepare beforehand for your medical procedure, what happens during it and afterwards to help manage your chronic illness conditions.
Ur In Trouble: Interstitial Cystitis and Fibromyalgia
Ur In Trouble: Interstitial Cystitis & Fibromyalgia - Pain FULLY Living
Living with interstitial cystitis: interview with Laura on IC and exercise - Through The Fibro Fog
Living with interstitial cystitis: interview with Laura on IC and exercise - Throughthefibrofog
Urodynamic Testing with Interstitial Cystitis / Painful Bladder Syndrome: My Experience - Through The Fibro Fog
Urodynamic testing with interstitial cystitis / painful bladder syndrome: my experience - Throughthefibrofog
Living with interstitial cystitis - interview with Natalie on IC and the positive aspects of mindfulness - Through The Fibro Fog
Living with interstitial cystitis - interview with Sarah on IC and pelvic physiotherapy - Throughthefibrofog
"It's Not a UTI, It's Painful Bladder Syndrome!" | MCAS
When a good doctor understands all your symptoms, along with your medical history, pieces it together – your life can change. I had such an experience when I was told my UTIs were not UTIs, they were in fact a sign that I had painful bladder syndrome. And here’s everything about it… Click on image for more. #UTI #PBS #IC #PainfulBladder #ChronicPain #InterstitialCystitis #MastCell #MCAS #Spoonie
My MCAS Journey: “It’s Not a UTI, It’s Painful Bladder Syndrome!” - All Things Endometriosis & More
When a good doctor understands all your symptoms, along with your medical history, pieces it together – your life can change. I had such an experience when I was told my UTIs were not UTIs, they were in fact a sign that I had painful bladder syndrome. And here’s everything about it… click on image for more. #UTI #PainfulBladderSyndrome #IC #InterstitalCystitis #MCAS