teachings of Buddha

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Introduction to Buddhism for Beginners - Alan Peto
Buddhism, a Quick Intro (http://www.alanpeto.com/articles/2011/buddhism-a-quick-intro/) Buddhism is such a fascinating and interesting way of life, however understanding some of the basic concepts can be a bit confusing! I’ve made this infographic to explain briefly about just two of the major topics known as The Four Noble Truths, and The Eightfold Path. #buddhism #buddhist #dharma
Buddhism For Depression And Anxiety - How It Can It Help
Most people assume that meditation is all about stopping thoughts, getting rid of emotions, somehow controlling the mind. But actually it's ... about stepping back, seeing the thought clearly, witnessing it coming and going. Andy Puddicombe
Jesus, Spiritual Leader of the Piscean Age. He teaches us to develop Love and Compassion and Non-judgment, and to harness our human will to that of our Holy Christ Self and Mighty "I AM" Presence.
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When I'm feeling tension or pain, I am training myself to in that moment ask myself "what is this teaching you? what are you here to learn?" Then the pain becomes the good kind - the kind that makes your muscles stronger or boosts stamina, instead of the kind that brings you down and tears you apart.