random DND charts

38 Pins
Picture memes ovHbVcy47: 2 comments — iFunny
Idea for a dnd one-shot: A dream sequence where the players can go full murder-hobo without consequences Only to find out at the end that they were in fact NOT dreaming, and the rest of the campaign focuses on them dealing with the consequences of whatever f’ed up things they did – popular memes on th... #dungeonsdragons #gaming #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #dndidea #idea #dndcharacter #dream #sequence #players #can #go #full #hobo #consequences #only #find #end #were #fact #not #dreaming #pic
Alchemist's Experimental Elixirs: Expanded
Alchemist's Experimental Elixirs: Expanded: DnDHomebrew