Struggling with Backstory?
Why are wounded characters such good characters to read about? Do we enjoy seeing wounded characters? Of course not! Honestly, that’s the hardest part of writing for me….wounding my characters. But, using character wounds to build my characters is what makes them more impactful.
7 Key Ways to Reveal Your Character’s Wound
This week’s blog post was prompted by a discussion with a fellow writer. This writer reflected that they’d gained useful information in relation their character wound, and were now considering how …
Questions to Ask When Creating Characters - Backstory
How To "Level Up" Your Character's Wound ~ WRITERS HELPING WRITERS®
Every writer who has spent time studying the craft writing knows of the character wound, and that they are the foundation of a strong, memorable character. Why? Because they make characters complex, authentic (I challenge you to find me a person that isn’t carrying an emotional wound, consciously or unconsciously), and they provide the foundation […]
Using Dysfunctional Behavior to Reveal Characters' Emotional Wounds | Jane Friedman
Giving characters a painful backstory makes them feel credible to readers. But you should avoid jumping headfirst into an info dump.
Brainstorming the Wound in Your Character's Backstory
Brainstorming the Wound in Your Character's Backstory