
16 Pins
Wall Art You'll Love in 2023 - Fine Art America
Morning at the Farm - Dakota Light Photography by Nadene
Once upon a time there was a woman. Every day she snuck over the fence to explore the lands beyond home... It was work, but it was what she loved.
As an afternoon thunderstorm threatens on a hot end-of-summer day, a gorgeous field of sunflowers stand watch. ~*~ "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do." ~Helen Keller
Horse Saddle rope
Cows are Smarter than CEOs: The Scorching Truth About Branding | KOTAW Content Marketing
"Cows are Smarter than CEOs: The Scorching Truth About Branding" by Katherine Kotaw
A Girl and her Combine- Ionia, Senior Portraits | Modern Photographics Blog - Wedding | Senior | Family | Children | Portraits- Grand Rapids Area
senior picture ideas for country girls | senior portraits ionia farm girl 209 A Girl and her Combine Ionia ...
southern indiana sunset.
southern indiana sunset. by Rachel Jenna Giese, via Flickr