gift package decorations

16 Pins
76K views · 1.5K reactions | Turn your wrapping paper into a stunning DIY giftbag! Watch as I transform this gorgeous luxury paper from Ruspepa into the perfect custom bag for any occasion. Who needs store-bought when you can make it yourself? The link to this stunning wrapping paper is in my bio. Comment 'LINK' below if you'd like me to message it directly to you! #byrubbia #fyp #gift #gifts #present #giftbag #ruspepa #diy #wrappingpaper #wrapping #wrappinggifts #giftwrapping #GiftIdeas | Rubbia
49K views · 1.3K reactions | Get 20x more speed | If the biggest games of the year count on Cox Business, imagine what we can do for you. | By Cox Business | Facebook
781 reactions · 34 shares | KISS… …Serial Stylist 100% guilty of repeatedly creating seasonal style with my Christmas prezzies! In case you live under a rock and missed this year’s viral bow video by someone I can’t recall, here is my version and attempt at a slowed down tutorial. This bow tying technique is so easy, you can crank out a dozen or so packages in no time. Best to watch the video on repeat, but here’s an attempt to put it in words: 1. Position the present to it’s shortest length, take the ribbon roll and measure out approximately 8 lengths. 2. Align the cut ends and fold the ribbon in half. 3. Flatten the ribbon on a table, smoothing it out with your hand. 4. Place the present on top of the flattened ribbon, closest to the fold. 5. Take the cut ends in one hand, pull them through the looped end and pull back firmly. You want the ribbon to be rather tight around the present. 6. Separate the 2 ends so you can now create your first bow. 7. Tie a bow the old fashioned way, making certain to keep tension as you tie. Repeat and make a second bow, right on top of the first bow. 8. Fluff the bows, trim the ends to your desired length and presto! You can create this bow as a singular bow using thicker ribbon or as a triple bow using thinner ribbon. The best type of ribbon to use is one that is the same on both sides and is stiff or possibly wired. As you can see at the end of my video, Im showing lots of ribbon sizes and types. Now off you get, to grab some ribbon and make all your Christmas presents super stylish! #kiss #keepitsimple #serialstylist #ribbonsandbows #christmasbows #howto #christmastime #bow #christmaspresents #bowtutorial | Dana Small Designs
1.8M views · 19K reactions | Jenn’s Easy Gift Wrapping #holidayseason #howto #giftwrapping | Jennifer Valentyne
8.4M views · 126K reactions | Beautiful paper gift wrap bow 🎁 | Beautiful paper gift wrap bow 🎁 #gifting #holidayseason #christmastime #tipsandtricks | By Annie Lynn | Facebook
1.3K views · 7K reactions | Tutorial Moño Navideño. Aprende a Realizar este hermoso Moño para tus decoraciónes en esta navidad. #ideas #moñonavidad #moñoscoquette #lazos #moños #navidadcali #navidad #christmas #aprender #tutorialnavidad #tutorial #fyp #ideascreativas #paratiiii | Detalles LuMora
2.7K reactions · 276 shares | DIY gift bows with wrapping paper! 🎁 This hack for making gift bows is so simple. No need to buy expensive curly gift bows. Create your own with extra wrapping paper, tape and a scissors. The super thin Dollar Tree wrapping paper tears too easy. I’ve successfully done this with wrapping paper from Walmart, Target and Home Goods. The trick is to hold each paper strip tightly and not press too hard with the scissors while gliding along the paper. It’s like curling ribbon, only with paper 😉 #diygiftbows #bowsmadeofpaper #giftwrapbows #giftbowhack #wrappingpaperhack #lifehack #lifehacks #christmaswrapping #giftwrappingideas #giftwraphacks | 🌟𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗵🌟Home Cleaning & Organization
78K views · 1.6K reactions | Tutorial on bows made out of scrap wrapping paper 👍🏽🎄🎅🏼 #thrifting #diyidea #wrappinggifts #crafting #thriftstorefinds #thrifty #upcycled #wrappingtutorial | Kenzie Marie Home
994K views · 21K reactions | Genius Holiday Gift Wrapping Tips! 🎁 | Genius Holiday Gift Wrapping Tips! 🎁 Expert tips and tricks for gifting this holiday season! Beautiful bow tutorials, clever wrapping techniques and fun... | By Hackity Hack Club | Facebook
1.8K views · 28K reactions | ¡Haz brillar tu mesa navideña! 🎄✨ Estas ideas de decoración de mesa navideña traerán alegría festiva a cada comida. ¿Cuál es tu imprescindible para la mesa navideña perfecta? 🍽️🧑🏻‍🎄 .#navidad #christmastree #merrychristmas #christmasdecor #xmas #christmastime #love #winter #natale #handmade #christmasgifts #santa #holidays #holiday #mesa #decoracion #trucos #feliznavidad #ampafrayluisdeleon | AMPA - Fray Luis de León
62K views · 2K reactions | Simple Bow making tutorial | Simple Bow making tutorial This might be the last giftwrap, bow-making video you'll ever need to watch. This expert tip is perfect for the holidays.... | By The Gooch | This is how to make the perfect department store bow. You're never going to need to watch another bow making video again. Take ten feet of your ribbon. Don't use wire ribbon and then take it around to the end and put it about like that and then we're going to tape this down here so just grab your invisible tape. Get off a piece of that and then just put it right across there like so. Now, roll this up. Roll it all the way up. Do it quickly but do it evenly. Don't leave any gaps in between the middle. I learned this from a girl on TikTok. Okay. Now that you've got this made like this, just take it. Put it down on your paper or on your tabletop and then just press it down. So that's how big the bow is going to be. Okay? So now you're just going to flatten it out. Flatten it out nice and flat. And then take your scissors. And then what we're going to do is we're going to cut this into a triangle. So cut through the ribbon just like so. Leave a space here at the end. Don't cut your second triangle all the way to the end. You want to leave that space there. And then we're going to flip it around. And we're going to do the same here. So we're going to take this and cut it just the same but leave that piece there. So cut it just like so. And if you'll notice department store bows aren't perfect either. But when we make it into the finished product it's going to look amazing. Okay. Now that we've got this. Get rid of your scraps. I'm going to trim that right there. Kinda left that all cattywampus. And then what we're going to do is we're going to take a piece of this. This is just I don't know what you call this trimming ribbon. We're going to cut that off air. That's about eight and a half inches. Take that. And then we're going to take this like so. Open that up. Put your fingers in. Put this like this. I know it doesn't look like much yet but it's going to be great when it's finished. Take that together. Do the loopy loop and just give it a nice tight pull. Just like that. Okay. Look how amazing that is. Now we're going to take this and then we're going too. I'm going to tie this a little bit tighter. I'm going to do I'm going to knot it up nice and good. Leave these two pieces hanging. Don't cut these three pieces off. Pull it nice and tight. Now we're going to take these and we're going to take this top one and we're going to pull it out and you're going to twist it up like so. Then you're going to take the next one and you're going to twist it down. So you're going to go the other way. Just like so. And do that all the way around. So this goes up and then the next one goes down. We're going to do both sides. Down up down. Now, flip around to the other side and do the same thing here. So, up down Now, this is more like a plastic ribbon. Don't use the cloth ribbon. Uh you can try it if you're more daring than me but for me, the plasticy poly ribbon works best and remember, no wires. I can't wait for you to see how this looks when it's finished. Okay. So, now we've got this and now we're just going to take it and we're going to add it on to our gift box, our gift box ready. Just take the two white, take em underneath and then you're going to tie this together. Look how awesome this bow turned out and voila. If I can do it, you can do it.
10M views · 57K reactions | Grandma taught me this #reels #hack #christmas | Jennie and Nick's Brainteasers
30K views · 749 reactions | Patriotic DIY using gift bags from Dollar Tree ♥️🤍💙🇺🇸 | Barefoot & Freckled, LLC | Sol Rising · The Journey
442K views · 11K reactions | ✂️ Easy DIY Paper Bows! | These Paper Bows are so Simple & Cute!! Use any paper you’d like…I’m using Christmas cardstock! | By Hammons Nest | Facebook