
44 Pins
What To Feed Millipedes
What do giant millipedes eat? An important question when you consider keeping a millipede or when you have purchased a millipede recently. Quality and nutritious food are crucial for a healthy and happy millipede. When considering that millipedes are detritivores — animals that feed on decaying organic matter — what do you feed a giant millipede as a pet?
Isopod Care & Information - Breeding Isopods in Captivity | NEHERP - Your One Stop Vivarium Shop!
Introduction To Isopods - Isopod Care & Info - How to care for terrestrial Isopods in both basic & bio active environments - Basic Terrestrial Isopod Anatomy
Isopods for Sale
Isopods For Sale | Isopod Pet | Roly Poly | Pill Bug (Overnight Shipping)