2 Outline GCSE photography 2016

Photographers use many ways to explore the outlines of their subject.Man Ray used solarisation technique.HorstPHorst explored silhouette in some portraits.Bill Beckley & Joan Fontcuberta emphasized outline by setting natural forms against contrasting&coloured backgrounds. Commercial still life photography often emphasizes outline using careful arrangement of lighting.Holly Roberts adds outline to images with collage & paint.Investigate appropriate sources and produce work that emphasises Outline
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Douglas Coupland: Materialising the Digital Era featured in Aesthetica Issue 63, out now. www.aestheticamagazine.com
Well Told Tales: Laszlo Layton, Holly Roberts, Elizabeth Ernst
Holly Roberts Ten Crows
Bill Beckley, Browse works created between 1969 and 2010
Bill Beckley, Bow Tie, Lesson 13 - 2013
Bill Beckley, Browse works created between 1969 and 2010
Bill Beckley, Station 7 - 2001
Bill Beckley, Browse works created between 1969 and 2010
Bill Beckley, Station 8 - 2001
Photo: Horst P. Horst, 1943. Taken for Vogue. One of my favourite vintage fashion photographers!
Man Ray, Lee Miller
Lee Miller by Man Ray. Man Ray muse and accomplished wartime photographer