Family Help for Addiction

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Waiting for Rock Bottom
Someone you care about is clearly an addict. Or, not so clearly… maybe you suspect it. If you suspect it, they usually are. Let’s face it, the signs of drug addiction are not subtle. However, it’s not something anybody wants to be true. We don’t want THAT to be happening. Or worse yet, happening AGAIN.
Where to Get Narcan
In 2017, drug overdose deaths continued to rise exceeding 70,000 casualties with Fentanyl and other powerful opioid synthetics continuing to increase the loss of life. The Surgeon General is warning families to get educated on the lifesaving drug Narcan stating it is the best weapon against preventable deaths from opioid overdose.
Does Rehab Work?
This isn’t an easy question to answer. The bottom line is that it can work very well or fail miserably. Most people believe this has more to do with the person’s willingness to accept help. That is a common fallacy I hear all the time, having worked in this industry for nearly a decade and having been a drug addict myself. The statement “It will only work if they are ready” is simply not true.
Recovery, Community and Environment
Substance abuse is challenging to overcome with many addicts going in and out of treatment several times before getting stable. One of the biggest things we advise families is to get the addict out of the area.
“I Don’t Have a Problem”
Dealing with an addict can be hard enough without them also claiming they are not an addict. Here is a list of things to help you deal with an addict who is in denial.
Naloxone Availability
Naloxone, often found under the brand name Narcan is a opiate antagonist used on overdose victims to block opiate receptors and reverse the overdose. Taking naloxone results in an opiate addict going into withdrawals and requires medical attention after being administered. In addition, while naloxone can assist in saving an individual from a fatal overdose, it is not a replacement for drug and alcohol treatment.
What’s a Life Worth?
We commonly say lives are invaluable and saving a life, any life, is worth any effort, any expense. But do we mean it? The concept of assigning a price tag to a life has always made people intensely squeamish. Who assigns the value?
What You Should Tell Your Kids about Drugs
No child is immune from drug or alcohol presence. You must work diligently over the years to “drug-proof” your children. This project involves various tasks that cannot be tackled haphazardly.
Heroin Addiction Treatment
The current opioid epidemic has been taking more and more lives each year. It began when the makers of Oxycontin flooded the market with the drug, marketing it as having a low potential for abuse. When a crackdown on the Oxycontin followed, many Oxycontin addicts turned to heroin as a cheaper alternative.
How I Saved My Cousin
I had a serious problem with drugs for a number of years. I was able to work through my own problems and I have been sober for some time. I am one of the lucky ones. The same cannot be said for all my old acquaintances, friends, and family.
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Where Did We Go Wrong?
I hope this story helps parents spot unhealthy signs in the event their child is moving towards addiction. If my story could change one life or prevent one addiction, that will be more than enough of a reward.
The Solution to an Addicts Behavior
Addiction is a prevalent topic in today’s media with increasing numbers of people struggling with drug and alcohol addictions of all shapes and sizes. We hear about those who abstain and stay off everything but what about the mental effects of prolonged drug abuse, the mental fog that continues long after the drug use has stopped.
A Reach of Love
It is one of those nights when I went to bed a little before 10:30 pm. I didn’t sleep well the night before due to storms in our area and storms in my mind. Thoughts of family, work and concerns in our world had me tossing and turning not resting or sleeping. My plan was to catch up on the sleep I lost the night before. I slid into bed and managed to drift off to satisfying and sound sleep for a few minutes.
How Family May Prevent Recovery
In an age when every second is fast-paced, and we are bombarded by media, I urge you to take a moment to think about your life. Take time to breathe, relax, and think about how life always moves forward. If you struggle with addiction yourself or know someone who is, life can seem unreal at times. You may think to yourself “will life ever be the same?”