Social Media Free

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This post is about my experience erasing my Instagram account over a year ago now... time flies! When I made the decision to delete social media (some accounts) my life changed for the better! Instagram, Social Media, Mental Health, Internet, Toxic, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok. 💪🏼🤩📱💻 Thanks for reading, xo.
The Limiting Lens: Social media limits our view on how to make money from our art
“Social media blinds us to the fact that there is a whole world of opportunities outside of these platforms that don't negatively prey on our creative dreams.” Social media artist, using social media for art business, growing art business without Instagram, make it as an artist without social media
How to set boundaries on social media
How to set boundaries on social media and take charge of your digital health! #socialmedia #digitalhealth #podcast
Why I left social media to build community around my business | small business marketing
Why I left social media to build community around my business... Learn how I deprioritised social media in my business plus tips on how to focus your energy on marketing your business in other ways. Grow the slow, gentle and profitable business you crave. Read the full blog post now.
“You can’t run an online business without social media” (and other myths I was told)
“You can’t run an online business without social media” (and other myths I was told) | Small Business Marketing In this post, I’m debunking 4 myths like this about marketing without social media. These are the stories I was told, and the ones that my clients struggle with.
Quit Social Media, now: here's how it will change your life
Social media can be so toxic, that it's really important to figure out why you're still on it and if it is a good idea for you to quit social media. Learn the life-changing reasons and psychology behind quitting social media and living a better life.