OnFire Ministries Resources

This board is where we share all of our resources at On-Fire Ministries. You will find various bible studies, how to find God, and our Quest for Wholeness Podcast. To find more of our resources head over to (www.onfire-ministries.org).
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Faith In Jesus Is Our Victory Over Our Failure
HAVE YOU EVER IDENTIFIED YOURSELF AS A FAILURE? After 2 divorces, failure was an easy label to wear. Two years after my second divorce, on my wedding day of marriage #3, the failures of my past haunted me. I remember battling depression that day because in the back of my mind, this marriage was probably doomed to failure too. Honestly, if nothing had changed, that marriage would have also been doomed to failure. My track record was not good. My default setting: Run from the hard stuff.
Noah's Story Parallels Our Own Story
Noah’s story reminds me that mankind has had a knack for grieving God since the beginning of our existence. As I look around at what is going on in our world today, I wonder how God feels about mankind right now. From my perspective, He must feel the same way He felt in Genesis 6:6 not long before He cleansed the earth of wickedness with a worldwide flood. And all were lost except Noah and his family.
OnFire Ministries
Ephesians 4:30 – And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
God’s Eternal Calendar, His Holy Cry To His People, BE READY
EXACTLY WHAT ARE WE TO BE READY FOR? First, we need to acknowledge where we are and what is ahead on God’s eternal calendar. The way we do that is by looking clearly at the world around us through the lens of Scripture. And by staying tuned into prophetic events according to God’s word.
Identifying With Unlovable Because Of A Tainted Perspective
The woman in Mark 5:25-34 surely struggled with a tainted perspective and at times identified herself as unlovable. An ongoing issue affectively taints our perspective. And this woman experience an ongoing menstrual cycle for 12 years. Need I say how miserable that must have made her? However, the damage of her issue was not only physical, but it would have damaged her identity. This woman’s issues of unclean and untouchable set her up as a perfect candidate for wearing the Unlovable label.
How Can I Guard My Heart When Faced With Temptation?
Guarding ourselves from temptation starts with understanding temptation. How I define Temptation, Facing something you want or desire that isn’t based on the right thing to do. The American College Dictionary defined Temptation as the act of tempting or being tempted. That same dictionary defined Tempt as to try to get someone to do wrong, especially by a promise or reward. And there, “by a promise or reward” is what I missed in my definition. Temptation disguises itself as bringing a reward.
Obedience to God's Word
I want to encourage you today to take what you identified as your promised land, and do what God tells you to do. Arise, get up, and go, get going. Walk it out. Don’t stop until you have experienced fully everything that God has for you.
In Our World Today, Courage Is What We Need - OnFire Ministries
Courage is
Blog — OnFire Ministries
How To Forgive And Move Forward Into Our Future
Blog — OnFire Ministries
Pursuing Our Spiritual Promised Land God’s Promised Land To Us = Our Spiritual WHOLENESS
One Way We Help Our Husbands Is By Praying For Our Husbands
Praying for our husbands may be our most important role as a Christian wife. So my question to you is: “Do you want to be a wife who prays for your husband?”I believe your answer to my question is “Yes.” I too want to be a wife who prays for my husband.
Do You Want To Hear From God — OnFire Ministries
If We Want To Hear From God, We Need To Get In God’s Presence And Into God's Word.
Home — OnFire Ministries
Jesus being the Son of God, fully human and fully divine is key to understand if we are to fully embrace His gift of salvation and abundant life both here and now and throughout eternity. #DivineSonOfGod
Learn How To Love Our Husbands Through Gratitude And Respect
Learning how to love our husbands through gratitude and respect isn’t always easy. But for us to have a healthy relationship, showing our husbands gratitude and respect is necessary. One reason it isn’t always easy is because we are uniquely wired to think and view life from a completely different perspective based on the fact that men are male and women are female. There is so much more to that than outward appearance and our unique design and roles in the reproductive process.
Ephesians 1:17-19 Is The Most Powerful Prayer You Will Ever Pray
Ephesians 1:17-19 has become my favorite prayer to pray for myself and my family. I spend a lot of my prayer time in the formal living room located in the center of my house. In the formal living room, I have an antique piano and above the piano is a picture of me, my husband, my three daughters, and one son-in-law. The picture was taken several years ago. Missing in the picture, are two grandchildren, another son-in-law, and a soon to be son-in-law.