Stretches exercises

40 Pins
workout 🏋️‍♀️ Day 1: UPPER BODY Warm Up : Rower 4-5 mins Activation: Red resistance band (long one) : (should b easy enough to pull). • Arm rotations forward and backwards :approx 20 . • Cross body pulls : approx 20. • over head pulls :approx 20. 1A: Frontal and lateral raises. 10x3 2A: Bicep curl to shoulder press. 10x3 3A: Tricep extension. 10x3 4A: Single arm dumbbell Rows 10x3 (Each side). 5A: Lat pu
Essential Post-Workout Stretches · Free workout by WorkoutLabs Fit
Essential Post-Workout Stretches – click to view and print this illustrated exercise plan created with #WorkoutLabsFit