Before Amen

Work through our twentieth, past #P31OBS (on your own or with friends) on Max Lucado's book, "Before Amen." *Calm the chaos of your world by embracing a simple prayer pattern that brings peace and rest and release your prayer wimp self-image and discover confidence in your God-given prayer strength. || click here to go to this study on the P31 Online Bible Studies blog:
86 Pins
"When my day starts with prayer and ends with prayer, everything in between seems to always work out." #Prayer
Circle 31 Book Club
Our new Pinterest board is up for our next #P31OBS - Keep It Shut! Join us here:
Circle 31 Book Club
Have you ever said something permanently painful, just because you were temporarily ticked off? Mark your calendars! Sign up for this next study begins January 6 where we will learn what to say, how to say it, and when to say nothing at all.
Before Amen- That's a Wrap!
Y’ALL!!!!! This is it! We are officially at the end of our Before Amen Online Bible Study. It’s been AMAZING! Nicki and I have loved spending this time with you. Yesterday we had a final conversation about the study and we want to share that with you now~
Circle 31 Book Club - Oh, the power of a simple prayer: "Father, You are good. I need help. Heal me and forgive me. They need help. Thank You. In Jesus' Name, Amen." ~Max Lucado, #BeforeAmen | Facebook
Our #BeforeAmen study has come to an end but we pray the power of the pocket prayer will continue on in each one of your lives! How has this simple prayer impacted your prayer life already and what do you plan to do to keep this 'in your pocket' in the coming days and years? We'd love to hear your stories and ideas!!
Circle 31 Book Club - "The phrase 'In Jesus' name' is not an empty motto or a talisman. It's a declaration of truth: My cancer is not in charge; Jesus is. The grumpy neighbor doesn't run the world; Jesus, you do! You, Jesus, are the Head Coach, CEO, President, King, Supreme Ruler, Absolute Monarch, High and Holy Baron, Czar, Overlord, and Rajah of all history." ~Max Lucado, #BeforeAmen | Facebook
"The phrase 'In Jesus' name' is not an empty motto or a talisman. It's a declaration of truth: My cancer is not in charge; Jesus is. The grumpy neighbor doesn't run the world; Jesus, you do! You, Jesus, are the Head Coach, CEO, President, King, Supreme Ruler, Absolute Monarch, High and Holy Baron, Czar, Overlord, and Rajah of all history." ~Max Lucado, #BeforeAmen
Before Amen- That's a Wrap!
Before Amen: That’s A Wrap! Y’ALL!!!!! This is it! We are officially at the end of our Before Amen Online Bible Study. It’s been AMAZING! We have loved spending this time with you. Yesterday Nicki and Melissa had a final conversation about the study and we want to share that with you now . . . #BeforeAmen - See more at:
Circle 31 Book Club - How's the #BeforeAmen memory verse coming along? :) "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 | Facebook
How's the week 4 #BeforeAmen memory verse coming along? "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Circle 31 Book Club - So. Thankful. "You're never without help because you're never without prayer."~Max Lucado, #BeforeAmen | Facebook
So. Thankful. "You're never without hope because you're never without prayer."~Max Lucado, #BeforeAmen
Join us tonight at 8pm ET for Proverbs 31 Bible Study LIVE! This is live and takes place on our Facebook event page. Just show up via mobile device or computer with a few other little supplies (listed on the event page). It’s so much fun and you’ll get a community-filled, Scripture-focused, practical & applicable time for your real life Bible study all in one hour! Click here to join and get more information:
Circle 31 Book Club
Nicki took out her journal and wrote [just like Max did] the letters A-Z, then went through and wrote all the things she was thankful for in 2014. In response, she shared: “Instantly my mood shifted. I saw how much God had done in just one year! It put those disappointments into perspective instantly.” Then she presented us with a challenge. Will you join us in this movement of gratitude? #BeforeAmen
Circle 31 Book Club
“…life is not lived in a highlight reel, where everything is just awesome, high-fiveish and knocking it out of the park every day. There will be low days, weeks and even months. But ultimately, the reaction we have to our disappointments will either lead to self-pity or self-improvement.” Nicki is on the blog with us today sharing about chapter 8 and the power of gratitude and she has a challenge for us! Will you join in the gratitude movement? #BeforeAmen
"Nothing pleases Jesus as much as being audaciously trusted." Max Lucado #beforeamen
Before Amen S4 Clip
Today’s video message, more than any other, made me really soak in that each of us really do matter to God. Check it out this quick two minute message from Max Lucado~
Chapter 7 quote: "We do not change God's intentions, but we can influence his actions." ~Max Lucado, #BeforeAmen