From the Ancestors

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What is the symbolism and spiritual meaning of the toad?
What is the symbolism and spiritual meaning of the toad?
The Truth and Health Benefits of Kambo | Jonathan Gold @PlanetKambo
Discover the transformative power of Kambo frog medicine and other alternative health treatments. From being able to cleanse the body, boosting your immunity and even...
What is Kambo?
What is Kambo? Kambo is the secretion from the skin of the Big Monkey Frog in the Amazon jungle. It is used ceremonially for cleansing the body and spirit.
BUFO ALVARIUS, ROSPO DEL DESERTO DI SONORA (5meoDMT): L’esperienza di unità cosmica che regala una visione illuminante di sé e dell’esistenza. - Web Oficial de Alverto
BUFO ALVARIUS, SONORAN DESERT TOAD (5MeoDMT): The experience of cosmic unity, which gives an enlightening vision of oneself and of existence.
Cleansed By A Kambo Ceremony: What Happens?