Foam Rolling

Discover the benefits of foam rolling and other mobility tools with this comprehensive collection of tips, techniques, and routines. Learn how using a foam roller or other mobility tools can benefit you as a runner.
16 Pins
🤔 Think a foam roller is only for rolling out tight muscles? Think again! Here are 3 alternative ways to use a foam roller that don’t involve foam rolling: 1️⃣ Thoracic Extension – Open up your upper back and improve thoracic mobility. 2️⃣ Single Leg Deadlift – Add balance and control to your strength work. 3️⃣ Side-Lying Hip Abduction – Target the glute med without compensating with the hip flexors. 💡 These moves are great for runners for improving mobility, hip strength, and stability...
Foam Rolling for Runners
Foam rolling can be such a helpful way for runners to recover! Learn more about the benefits of foam rolling for runners, risks, and specific foam rolling exercises.
The Most Effective Recovery Tools for Runners
Runners know that recovery is important to help us stay healthy and run strong. Here are some of the most effective recovery tools for runners. From rollers to sticks to massage balls and massage guns, these tools have you covered to keep your body recovering well.
Mobility Tools: What do They Really Do?
Find out more about mobility tools and their impact on your running performance. Explore the real effect of these tools and how you can use them to your advantage. . . . #foamroller #massageballs #runningtips #physiotips #runningrecovery
What do Mobility Tools Really Do?
Mobility tools such as foam rollers are used to relieve muscle tightness and enhance recovery. But is it really doing what you think it is? Find out in this blog post based on scientific facts. . . . #FoamRolling #MuscleRecovery #RunnersHealth #RunningTips #PhysioTips
What Does Foam Rolling Do?
Foam rolling is a popular technique used for self-massaging. This blog post delves into the science behind foam rolling and massage balls to help you better understand what it actually does to your body. #FoamRolling #MuscleRecovery #RunningTips #PhysioTips #RunningPhysio #SelfMassage
Here’s What Foam Rolling Is Actually Doing When It Hurts So Good
Foam rolling definitely has its benefits, especially for runners and other very active people. Foam rolling exercises can help you warm up before your workout and speed up your muscle recovery time after. Whether you're a beginner or a foam rolling regular, here's what you need to know about how it really works.
What do Mobility Tools Really Do?
Is foam rolling essential when it comes to recovery? Do massage balls prevent us from getting inured? 🤔 In this blog post, find out what mobility tools really do with information backed by science. Take the guesswork out of foam rolling once and for all! . . . #foamrolling #massageballs #mobilitytools #recoveryforrunners #myofascialrelease #runningtips #physiotips
The Truth About What Mobility Tools Do
Why do foam rollers hurt so good? What is really happening when we use these tools? These are all questions that are answered in this detailed blog post written by a physiotherapist. 📚 . . . #foamrolling #mobilitytools #selfmassage #runningtips #physiotips #runningrecovery #runningrehab
Is Foam Rolling Really Useful?
Find out what is really happening in our bodies when we use foam rollers and massage balls. This blog post goes into detail about the what, why, and how of mobility tools. 🤓 . . . #physiotips #recoveryforrunners #warmupforrunners #healthyrunner #runningphysio
What do Mobility Tools Really Do?
What really happens when we use foam rollers and massage balls? Are we ''breaking up the fascia" or "breaking up scar tissue"? Find out what mobility tools really do to your body in this blog post written by a physiotherapist. ✨ . . . #physiotips #foamroller #runningtips #rehabtips #massagetools
5 Ways to Use a Foam Roller That Don’t Involve Rolling | Fitness Tips | MyFitnessPal
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