Fenugreek/Methi Recipes

Fenugreek / Methi : An annual herb with light green leaves and tiny white flowers. It is native to southern Europe, the Mediterranean region and Western Asia. It’s of the pea family (Fabaceae) and also known as Greek hay (Trigonella foenum-graecum). The fenugreek plant grows to about two to three feet tall, and the seed pods contain 10–20 small, flat, yellow-brown, pungent and aromatic seeds.
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What do you know about Methi/Fenugreek ? - stirringmyspicysoul
What do you know about Methi/Fenugreek ? - stirringmyspicysoul
What do you know about Methi/Fenugreek ? - stirringmyspicysoul
What do you know about Methi/Fenugreek ? - Fenugreek seeds have a somewhat bitter taste, similar to celery, maple syrup or burnt sugar, and are often used to make medicine. However, it has a far more pleasant taste when cooked. The graecum seeds, which are usually dried and ground, are the most widely used part of fenugreek. The leaves are often used in cooking as well.
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Subscribe to Get the New Clean-15 Dirty Dozen List
The Clean-15 Dirty Dozen is a list, that advises shoppers on which fruits and vegetables they should buy organic( grown without the use of pesticides) and which are the safest to buy conventional(grown with pesticides). Subscribe to get your digital copy and be the smart one who always picks the right produce to stay healthy and safe!
Vegetable Kurma- A creamy and delectable dish! - stirringmyspicysoul
Vegetable Kurma is an aromatic , delicious dish prepared using different vegetables .Vegetables are cooked in a flavorful sauce made with coconut, spices, cashew nuts and white poppy seed paste. Based on the regions, the ingredients used to cook this Vegetable Kurma varies.
Methi/Fenugreek Rice
Methi/Fenugreek Rice : A simple, easy, delicious, one pot recipe using fresh Fenugreek /Methi leaves and Basmati rice . Iron rich methi/Fenugreek leaves has a lot to offer in terms of health benefits. A quick no fuss recipe is a flavorful lunch box favorite in most Indian homes . It is a great choice for diabetics & people looking to lower their cholesterol levels.
What do you know about Methi/Fenugreek ? - stirringmyspicysoul
What do you know about Methi/Fenugreek ? - stirringmyspicysoul
Motivational Habit Tracker for 2020
Get my E-book on "A Complete Beginners Guide to Indian Spices" My E-Book will walk you through the 25 essential spices you will ever need, to master the art of Indian cuisine. Don't let the fear of not knowing how to use spices in cooking intimidate you from trying to cook flavorful and delicious Indian food in your own kitchen.
What do you know about Methi/Fenugreek ? - stirringmyspicysoul
What do you know about Methi/Fenugreek ? - stirringmyspicysoul
Pineapple Methi Dhal Curry
Pineapple Methi Dhal Curry is a sweet tangy healthy comfort food on days you crave for a light yet healthy lunch. The sweetness of the pineapple, the pinch of bitterness from the methi, which is packed with health, and the creaminess of the dhal will have the little ones asking for more!
Methi/Fenugreek Chicken
Methi/Fenugreek Chicken - This simple yet delicious Methi/Fenugreek Chicken dish is thick and creamy and goes well with flatbreads or rice.The caramelized onions and the thick yogurt along with the chicken and the methi leaves complement each other in their deliciousness.This creamy dish is sure to be a winner in your kitchen.
What do you know about Methi/Fenugreek ? - stirringmyspicysoul
What do you know about Methi/Fenugreek ? - stirringmyspicysoul
What do you know about Methi/Fenugreek ? - stirringmyspicysoul
What do you know about Methi/Fenugreek ? - stirringmyspicysoul