Kinesio Tape subra physio

698 Pins
Curso completo para realizar kinesiotape de forma correcta.
Curso de Vendaje Neuromuscular Kinesiotaping
Curso completo para realizar kinesiotape de forma correcta.
Got some KT and taped my shin splint, we'll see how it goes! So far, it's really comfortable and I feel more blood in the general area so definitely a good start!
Kinesiology taping instructions for Intercostal Neuralgia #ktape #intercostalneuralgia #ares
Foot and ankle taping - RunningPhysio
This blog contains 3 kinesiology tape techniques you can use with foot or ankle pain. If you're in pain even when not running you can use the tape continuously until symptoms settle. The tape lasts...
​Top 5 Treatments for Hip Bursitis
​Top 5 Treatments for Hip Bursitis #больвбедре #болитколено #болятсуставы