Crochet - connecting yarn

22 Pins
112K views · 1.2K reactions | NO FAIL KNOT! #crochet #craft #knots #beginnercrochet | Maggie's Musings | Maggie's Musings · Original audio
112K views · 1.2K reactions | NO FAIL KNOT! #crochet #craft #knots #beginnercrochet | Maggie's Musings | Maggie's Musings · Original audio
8.8K reactions · 1.5K shares | ▶️Você gostaria de fazer peças de luxo sem precisar sair do conforto da sua casa? Não perca essa oportunidade e venha fazer parte do MELHOR CURSO DE CROCHÊ QUE EXISTE ▶️Veja o que você receberá ao se inscrever no nosso curso de crochê: . ✅ Você receberá centenas de receitas de crochê e amigurumi em português ✅ Você terá acesso a 85 vídeo aulas passo a passo para aprender do básico ao avançado ✅ Receba também um super guia que te ensinará a ler gráficos de uma maneira simples e fácil. Nunca mais tenha dificuldade em ler gráficos em sua vida ✅ Você também aprenderá a vender suas peças através da internet ✅ E por último você irá concorrer a um kit completo de agulhas todo mês 😍 . Tudo isso reunido em um único curso! Não é demais? 👉Para saber mais acesse o site do nosso perfil @curso_croche_do_zero Ou comente"EU QUERO" que enviaremos o site no seu direct . ▶️ Imagem para inspiração, apenas ilustrativas 🎥 Créditos manda dm Não comercializamos peças. | Curso de Crochê
8.8K reactions · 1.5K shares | ▶️Você gostaria de fazer peças de luxo sem precisar sair do conforto da sua casa? Não perca essa oportunidade e venha fazer parte do MELHOR CURSO DE CROCHÊ QUE EXISTE ▶️Veja o que você receberá ao se inscrever no nosso curso de crochê: . ✅ Você receberá centenas de receitas de crochê e amigurumi em português ✅ Você terá acesso a 85 vídeo aulas passo a passo para aprender do básico ao avançado ✅ Receba também um super guia que te ensinará a ler gráficos de uma maneira simples e fácil. Nunca mais tenha dificuldade em ler gráficos em sua vida ✅ Você também aprenderá a vender suas peças através da internet ✅ E por último você irá concorrer a um kit completo de agulhas todo mês 😍 . Tudo isso reunido em um único curso! Não é demais? 👉Para saber mais acesse
953K views · 5.7K reactions | Nodo 💙💛 | Bel filo aggrovigliato-by Elena | Bel filo aggrovigliato-by Elena · Original audio
953K views · 5.7K reactions | Nodo 💙💛 | Bel filo aggrovigliato-by Elena | Bel filo aggrovigliato-by Elena · Original audio
1.8K reactions · 389 shares | My new favorite way to do color changes. So fast and easy! #crochettips #crochetersofinstagram #crochetcolorchange #crochetaddict | Jaqui-Len Thurman | Meghan Trainor · I Wanna Thank Me
98K views · 3.1K reactions | Join 2 Yarns with Knots | In crochet and knitting, joining yarn securely with knots is sometimes necessary with heavily used items. Here are 4 knots to join 2 strands of yarn... | By Naztazia | Hi, I'm Donna Wolfe from Naztazia. com. I'll show how to join two yarn strands together with magic knots including the fisherman's knots, the square knots, the weaver's knots, and the binder's knots. These knots will work with joining the same color yarn as well as when changing yarn colors. In crochet and knitting, we generally try to avoid using knots to join yarn together and instead weave in ends with yarn needles but real with heavily used items a secure knots here and there is beneficial. Plus I highly recommend flexible permanent fabric glue to help keep ends in place. The first knots I'll demonstrate is the fisherman's knots sometimes known by crochet and knitting as the official magic knots. I'm placing my two yarn strands ends parallel to each other. With the pink yarn's end on the right and the green yarn's end on the left. I'm slowly working with green yarn by bringing it up and around the pink yarn then I'm tucking the green yarn strand underneath the pink yarn and underneath the green yarn strands finally I pull the green end through to form a pretzel shape next it's time to work with the pink yarn and this will pretty much be done the opposite way bring the pink yarn over the green yarn and then tuck the pink yarn under the green yarn and under the other strand of the pink yarn then push the pink end through to form yet another pretzel shape. Granted this process might seem a bit difficult at first but it's pretty easy after two or three times. Plus, do a search for fisherman's knots diagram which helps tremendously as this knots has been around for centuries and possibly even more. Now, it's time to tighten up both of the pretzels and let the magic begin. I'm working with the pink end first and then moving over to the green side. Pull the ends of the from the yarn skein outwards and watch how the two pretzels form a very secure knot in the center. As mentioned before, I'm a big fan of using just a small amount of flexible fabric glue to really secure that knots and then either trim the ends or leave them on and weave them in along the back of the work with the yarn needle for extra extra security and that is the magic knots known as the fisherman's knots. Another useful knots is called the square knots. This is sometimes used in macro and jewelry making to create a secure and solid knot with the thread. The key to getting this knots correctly made is in the order of the strands. In this case, my green yarn is my right side yarn. I'm using my right side yarn to go over and under and over my pink yarn. Now, my green yarn is my left side yarn. I will use it to first go over the pink yarn strand and then I take the green yarn strand and go under the pink yarn and over it. At this point it looks like I have nice even interlocking loops. It is important that the green yarn completely loops around both the pink yarn strands on the left side and then on the right side the pink yarn needs to loop under both of the green yarn strands. Otherwise if this square knots is done incorrectly it is often times then referred to as a granny knots which is not a secure knot for crochet and knitting and here's my nice secure square knots knots knots and there are at least four ways of making the same knots I find the easiest ways to first start out with the slip knots and as we crochet knitting yarn right through the loop of the slip knots hold both of the green yarn strands of the slip knots and pull firmly yet slowly outwards until that orange yarn pops through a bit and almost makes a click sound. The orange yarn has to pop through for it to be secure. Glue and trim the ends to create a nice secure weavers knots and finally the last knot I'm demonstrating is a monster of a knot. It is called a binder's knot. It is a super secure knot but it creates a large knot which doesn't exactly matter if the blanket or handbag is thick or it's on the inside or along the edge where noone will notice. Even without glue, this knot is super secure. No matter which direction the knots pulled, it always stays secure but it is a large knot. I hope this video has helped with choosing from a variety of knots as necessary for crochet and knit projects.
98K views · 3.1K reactions | Join 2 Yarns with Knots | In crochet and knitting, joining yarn securely with knots is sometimes necessary with heavily used items. Here are 4 knots to join 2 strands of yarn... | By Naztazia | Hi, I'm Donna Wolfe from Naztazia. com. I'll show how to join two yarn strands together with magic knots including the fisherman's knots, the square knots, the weaver's knots, and the binder's knots. These knots will work with joining the same color yarn as well as when changing yarn colors. In crochet and knitting, we generally try to avoid using knots to join yarn together and instead weave in ends with yarn needles but real with heavily used items a secure knots here and there is beneficial. Plus I highly recommend flexible permanent fabric glue to help keep ends in p
188K views · 3.1K reactions | Join 2 Yarns using Russian Join Splicing | Learn how to join 2 yarns using the Russian join splicing technique without any knots! | By Naztazia | Hi, I'm Donna Wolfe from Naztazia. com. I'll show how to join two yarns together using a splicing technique known as the Russian joint which does not contain knots. Sometimes knots are great with heavily used blankets but sometimes with finer delicate items, knots aren't very appealing. So, splicing the yarn together is a better option. First, I get my two yarn strands ready and I'm threading the pink yarn with the yarn needle. I find it helps to flatten the yarn between my thumb and pointer finger as I thread the yarn through the eye of the yarn needle. This next part is not an exact science and it might vary depending upon the type of yarn being used but generally speaking, the yarn needle needs to go back through the center of the yarn strands specifically through the plies or twists in the yarn. Some yarn, the needle can go right through like a car through a tunnel and some yarn like this one, I kind of have to weave the yarn a bit in and out of the strands to get it to cooperate. Some yarn is so soft and loosely plied that it helps to actually peer through some of these strands so that the splice holds throughout. I place my blue yarn in the loop formed by the pink yarn before I do this next part of slowly pulling the yarn through the weaving in and out that I just made. Sometimes it helps to slide the yarn strand down a bit and sometimes it helps to pull outward the yarn needle strand instead. Remove the yarn needle and adjust the woven in ends on the newly combined yarn strand. I like to trim my yarn on diagonal so that it tapers itself inside the newly spliced area of the yarn and adjust one more time if necessary. Now it's time to thread the blue yarn into the yarn needle and repeat the process again. As before, there is no exact science of how much yarn strand to weave in two or three inches is probably the minimum in most yarns. But some might need less than that while others require four or five inches of splicing to hold securely As mentioned before, sometimes it's easy to push the yarn noodle right in the center of the yarn strand. While sometimes it helps to weave in and out and other yarns might require actually piercing the yarn plies to get everything to hold securely. After the weaving part is done, it's a matter of pulling and tugging on the strands to get them to straighten out as well as to get them to maintain a relatively typical looking twist in the yarn at that spliced area. That's how I joined two yarn using a splicing technique known as the Russian joint for yarn.
188K views · 3.1K reactions | Join 2 Yarns using Russian Join Splicing | Learn how to join 2 yarns using the Russian join splicing technique without any knots! | By Naztazia | Hi, I'm Donna Wolfe from Naztazia. com. I'll show how to join two yarns together using a splicing technique known as the Russian joint which does not contain knots. Sometimes knots are great with heavily used blankets but sometimes with finer delicate items, knots aren't very appealing. So, splicing the yarn together is a better option. First, I get my two yarn strands ready and I'm threading the pink yarn with the yarn needle. I find it helps to flatten the yarn between my thumb and pointer finger as I thread the yarn through the eye of the yarn needle. This next part is not an exact science and it might vary depend
2.1K views · 9.7K reactions | Quer aprender a fazer crochê passo a passo? Conheça nosso curso completo, aprenda da maneira fácil e prática.  transforme fios em obras-primas, mesmo como iniciante! 🌟 ↪️ Não perca a oportunidade! Toque no link azul do perfil para desbloquear todos os segredos do nosso curso completo de crochê. 🎉 ✅ Aproveite o valor promocional exclusivo e inicie sua jornada de criação com desconto! ✨ . #crochet #croche #crochê #crocheterapia #crochebrasil #crochetando #crochelove #crochecurso #cursocroche #cursocrocheonline | Crochê aqui | Luke Muzzic · Say It Right (8D Audio)
2.1K views · 9.7K reactions | Quer aprender a fazer crochê passo a passo? Conheça nosso curso completo, aprenda da maneira fácil e prática. transforme fios em obras-primas, mesmo como iniciante! 🌟 ↪️ Não perca a oportunidade! Toque no link azul do perfil para desbloquear todos os segredos do nosso curso completo de crochê. 🎉 ✅ Aproveite o valor promocional exclusivo e inicie sua jornada de criação com desconto! ✨ . #crochet #croche #crochê #crocheterapia #crochebrasil #crochetando #crochelove #crochecurso #cursocroche #cursocrocheonline | Crochê aqui | Luke Muzzic · Say It Right (8D Audio)
211K views · 1.5K reactions | Kimler böyle düğüm atıyo🥰🥰 🎥🎥 | Ana-kız Örgüleri Knitting & Crochet | Kolektivo · Atención
211K views · 1.5K reactions | Kimler böyle düğüm atıyo🥰🥰 🎥🎥 | Ana-kız Örgüleri Knitting & Crochet | Kolektivo · Atención
How to Join Yarn with the Magic Knot • Free Tutorial by RaffamusaDesigns
How to Join Yarn with the Magic Knot • Free Tutorial by RaffamusaDesigns
39K views · 3.6K reactions | #crochet #yarn #tutorial #handmadewithlove #crochetinspiration #crochetaddict #crochetlife #crochetlovers #yarninspiration #yarnaddict #yarnlover #yarnlife #crochemoderno #crochepassoapasso #crocheporamor #crochecomamor | Create by K | createbyk1 · Original audio
39K views · 3.6K reactions | #crochet #yarn #tutorial #handmadewithlove #crochetinspiration #crochetaddict #crochetlife #crochetlovers #yarninspiration #yarnaddict #yarnlover #yarnlife #crochemoderno #crochepassoapasso #crocheporamor #crochecomamor | Create by K | createbyk1 · Original audio
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