Optical View

Are there moments that should only be recorded and stored in the memory of the mind and heart? I say yes, but how would one share that moment with another? Perhaps through a poem or song or maybe a gesture like leaving rose petals on someone’s door steps. Obviously I am a romantic among many other things, I don’t know how people do it; pose for the camera with such grace and beauty. I am astounded again and again by the sheer exquisiteness of the lens and the persons view from behind it.
131 Pins
Mexica - Mexico, nahua, dancer, warrior, guerrero, aztec
♀Queerliness is next to Godliness♀
Helen Tamiris, 1929 photo Man Ray Helen Tamiris (1905 - 1966) Chorégraphe a été (brièvement) une disciple d'Isidora Duncan
(no title)
Jean Patchett photographed by Irving Penn, 1949. Photography | Inspiration | Wide Brim | Katharine Kidd
Cate Blanchett by Tim Walker - GRAVERAVENS
Cate Blanchett by Tim Walker | GRAVERAVENS