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How to Make Aquavit | Swedish Food at Home - All of Our Homes
How to Make Aquavit | Swedish Food at Home - All of Our Homes
Coca-Cola: Original 1886 Recipe - Vintage American Cocktails
Coca-Cola: Original 1886 Recipe - Vintage American Cocktails
Apple Pie on the Rocks
The Apple Pie on the Rocks is a cozy and comforting cocktail that perfectly captures the flavors of a classic apple pie in a glass. With the warmth of vanilla vodka, the spicy kick of Fireball whiskey, and the sweetness of organic apple juice, this drink is a delightful blend of fall flavors. A sugared rim and a cinnamon stick garnish make it the perfect treat for chilly evenings or festive gatherings. #applepieontherockscocktail #applejuicecocktails #fallcocktails via @mybartender