corona navidad

216 Pins
This may contain: someone is holding up a christmas ornament in front of gold and red decorations
Esfera cascabel gigante
Esfera de cascabel gigante hecha con unicel
This may contain: someone is holding a paper snowflake in their hand and it looks like they have been made out of plastic
Из пергамента для выпечки получается такая нежнейшая воздушная звёздочка в перьях! ❄️☃️ Нужно нарезать квадраты по 2 каждого размера, взять ножницы и клей! Чем больше слоёв, тем пышнее и изящнее звезда😍
This may contain: a woman holding a red and gold christmas bow
Cómo hacer moños con listón para Navidad #TemporadaDeFiestas
This may contain: a woman wearing glasses holding up a green bow
Cómo hacer moño navideño con listón #temporadadefiestas
This may contain: a woman holding up a large red bow
moño de tela GIGANTE para PINO - lazo para cabello #TemporadaDeFiestas
This may contain: someone is working on something that looks like a poinsettia ornament
Flor de navidad
#navidad #navideño #navi #christmas #adornonavideño #adornos #trendy #tendencia #christmas #design #decoracion #decoração #flores
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Glam Love Valentines Wreath #red #valentinesday #gold #valentineswreath #heartwreath #lovewreath #valentinesdecor #hearts #partydecor #valentinesglam
This may contain: someone is decorating a gingerbread man with red and white bows on it's head
How to Make a Gingerbread Girl Wreath for Christmas
Want to learn how to make those adorable gingerbread girl wreaths you see everywhere at Christmas? We have a youtube tutorial available where you can watch and learn how to make these Christmas Gingerbread Girl Wreaths! You can even find the links to all of the materials there as well. Head over to our Youtube Channel (in our profile), and get started decorating your door for Christmas!