
The owl is sacred to the Greek goddess of learning, Athena and is even depicted on some Greco-Roman currency as a symbol of status, intelligence and of course, wealth. In ancient Egyptian, Celtic, and Hindu cultures the symbolic meaning of owl revolved around guardianship of the underworlds, and a protection of the dead.
74 Pins
Owl fibula. Latgallian/Latgaļu. Latvia. Late Iron Age ca. 800 C.E. Owl fibulae were made only by the Baltic chiefdoms of the Latgaļi, Kurši and Zemgaļi. This one is now on exhibit at Latvian National History Museum in Rīga.
2009.gadā „Rotām” pievienojās pastmarka ar pūces saktu. Pūces sakta ir viena no senākajām un izteiksmīgākajām latgaļu vīriešu rotām, kuru lietoja apmetņa saspraušanai. Tās bija izplatītas baltu cilšu apdzīvotajā teritorijā 8. un 9. gadsimtā. Pūces saktas atrastas tikai bagātu ļaužu apbedījumos un uzskatāmas par sava laika prestiža priekšmetu. Šodien pūces saktu varam atrast Ķeipenes pagasta ģerbonī un uz viena lata monētas, ko Latvijas Banka laida apgrozībā 2007. gadā.
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The Enchanted Cove
owl - Pinned by The Mystic's Emporium on Etsy
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owl pocket watch , i have been looking for one of these EVERY were i want one about 32" long i want one so bad
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Little HootsOwlLocketSilver LocketSilver by ValleyGirlDesigns, $32.00