!-"Love your enemy" Jesus | Scripture Art Quotes, Encouraging, Inspirational | Dee Deroll

God gives us commandments as a map to follow Jesus - as He overcame the world, and to live in his wisdom and power. The power to forgive and to love your enemies is God's power and it is a free gift He gives to all who ask for it. That is God's power, the same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead. On the cross, Jesus prayed for those who were torturing and killing Him, so you could see and understand His power. | Dee Deroll, Falling-Star.com | Scripture Art Quotes, Inspirational
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Freedom of Religion means America is free from your religion and legalism...
Freedom of Religion means America is free from your religion and legalism: faith, forgiveness, grace, worship, nationality, race, sexual orientation or identification, marriage, and choice. Falling-Star.com
RUN FOR OFFICE. Save the planet, we're running out of time. Capitalism has contempt for her.
RUN FOR OFFICE. Save the planet, we're running out of time. Capitalism has contempt for her. Your City, County and State websites have information about the jobs available. Get experience by helping someone else who is running. Falling-Star.com, Blog 104
20-20 Run for Congress, City, State Before Social Security and Medicare and the planet are ruined.
20-20 Elections, Run for Office, Congress, City, State, Before Social Security and Medicare and the planet are ruined. Falling-Star.com, Blog 104
SAVE OUR PLANET and SOCIAL SECURITY. Capitalists have contempt for them. Falling-Star.com, Blog 104
Do to others as you would have them do to you...find life.
Jesus quotes. Do to others as you would have them do to you. Enter in though the narrow gate...that leads to life and few find it. Matthew 7:12-14
Vote to save Medicare and Social Security
Vote. Your Medicare and Social Security are being gutted to pay for (1) Reverse welfare payments to the rich (2) Border wall that can't stand up to one stick of dynamite (3) Forfeiting of all your rights (4) Forfeiting of health care for preexisting conditions (5) Weapons of war killing kids/adults. Falling-Star.com
20-20 Run for Congress, City, State Before Social Security and Medicare and the planet are ruined.
20-20 Elections, Run for Office, Congress, City, State, Before Social Security and Medicare and the planet are ruined. Falling-Star.com, Blog 104
My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Jesus Quotes. My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9
The battle is the Lord's, be quiet.
1 Sam 17:47, Ps 46:10
Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All by Gerald G. Jampolsky - September 28, 1999
Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All by Gerald G. Jampolsky Offered By Bella Terra Books