vampire diaries

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Damon. Just my life. How it as always been. Yes I do the Lords work but I do so under the circumstances of Job!! My trials, are not like others. I prayed for torment for my salvation. I got it. I loath that I can't express my anguish when I submit to His trials were others see me do wrong. I do so, bear tribulation, later, out of grace am forgiven when if not been under instruction. I'd be well, not here sharing. I'm not the good guy. I'm Damon.
Damon's Got Some Sass To Him
Damon's Got Some Sass To Him... Poor Bex, can't keep a single one by her side.
Damon by Ashley Necole Kiser
The Vampire Diaries summery .... So sad !!
Book Quote – Book of the week: Middlesex by Jeffrey EugenidesGet the FREE…
awesome Book Quote - Book of the week: Middlesex by Jeffrey EugenidesGet the FREE...