If Gathering

I would like to share with you all my journey that I have been embarking the last year and a half. Though it has not been easy, I have grown closer to the Lord and have learned a lot about myself. I had my heart broken and shattered, something I never expected to happen. I have shed many tears, tears of brokenness, pain, and hurt. I cried myself to sleep every night not understanding why this happened. I pray daily asking God to give me strength, guidance, comfort,and answers to my prayers. In the midst of the storm I am facing and dealing with God has shown and taught me who He truly is and He has never left my side. I’m learning who I am as a person and drawing closer to him. In the process of my brokenness and pain the Lord is molding and shaping me into a beautiful masterpiece. What satan meant for my harm and to destroy me, God has turned around for my greatest blessing and testimony. I will not let my past define who I am. I am the Lord’s daughter, I am a warrior, I am victorious. No I am not perfect, yes, I have made mistakes, but I have learned along the way that God’s grace and love has cleansed me and continually will every day. Yes, I have lost some battles along the way, but ultimately at the end what matters is winning the war. God has already won the war! Proverbs 3:5 says “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” We must make a choice to trust God and place our hope and faith in him even when it’s scary. Daily I choose to say God I trust in you. No, I don’t know what my future holds and I have a lot of unknowns, but I know who holds my life and because of that I have full trust and faith in my Savior. I have felt the sting of loneliness, the hurt of rejection, the pain of abandonment. The enemy has whispered to me trying to convince me that I’m worth nothing and alone. In Christ, we are never alone, God’s Holy Spirit is within us, we are never apart from our God! As I continue each chapter of my story God has blessed me with the most loving, caring, supporting, family and friends. If it wasn’t for the Lord and all of you I wouldn’t be where I am today. I love you all and cherish every one of you. Thank you for not giving up on me, thank you for all your love, support, encouragement and for standing by my side through it all. I realized that the relationship I was holding and fighting for so tightly, I had to let go. Like sand clenched up in the palm of my hand, it’s slowly begin to sift through my fingers. I lost all control of my situation, but for the first time it felt good. I feel peace knowing God is working behind the scenes. I fell in love with God fully, passionately, deeply and begin to trust him in all areas of my life, and I know he will bring about everything in my life that I need in his perfect timing. I say all of this for anyone who is facing heartache, pain, a loss and in the midst of a storm. Don’t give up, keep fighting, put on the armor daily. You are a warrior and will conquer your fears. Lean on God daily, seek his face, pray, worship and read the word daily. You will win the war. God has a beautiful bright future for each and everyone of us. The key ingredient is laying down our selfishness and pride and will and doing God‘s will in our lives. New beginnings often start with painful endings. Be thankful for those closed doors and detours they are guiding you to a better place. Don’t ever settle. God has such a beautiful future for you sometimes we need to just let go and allow God to take full control. Quit trying to prove your worth to someone that God didn’t send. Sometimes relationships don’t work out and you will never be “enough” for the wrong person. Seek God, pray and do his will. I am ready for 2019. A year of blessings, favor , prosperity, love and miracles! Happy New Year!
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