Love and Relationships

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One sided relationships
Respectful disagreement
It’s crucial to remember “the problem is the problem.” Coming together during a disagreement helps alleviate tension and keep things workable. Healthy relationships aren’t determined by whether or not there is conflict, but rather how the conflict is navigated.
State your needs
It’s ok to ask for what you need- in fact, it can be very helpful for you AND the other person. Be direct! • Not everyone will be able to meet your needs. • Some people may be able to help but in a different time frame. • Others may be able to partially meet your needs. • Some people are equipped to meet different needs than the one you currently have. • Others will be so pleased (and honored, even) to know explicitly how they can care for you. All of this is normal and ok. While many
Vulnerability sounds like…
@emily.sanders.therapy on Instagram #vulnerability #relationshipmatters #emotionalintelligence #emotionalwellbeing #emotionalhealth #secureattachment
We are meant to change.
We are dynamic beings, meant to grow and evolve. Nurturing intimacy involves paying attention to little shifts in those you love. #relationshipmatters #relationshipadvice #relationshiptips #selfgrowth
Find the safe people.
It's important to be able to discern who the safe people are in your life from those who will hurt you- especially if you're trying to work on being vulnerable or creating healthier relationships. Relationships always involve risk, so knowing what safety should look and feel like is key. From @emily.sanders.therapy on Instagram #relationships #relationshipadvice #marriageadvice #vulnerability #emotionalhealth
Love isn't always enough.
If love going away completely was the only clue that a relationship should end, then relationships would be a lot easier! The reality is that many relationships end despite love still being there. Unhealthy relationships CAN be revived, but it is essential that BOTH persons show up to do the work of acknowledging and fixing toxic patterns.
Disagreeing respectfully can sound like….
From @emily.sanders.therapy on Instagram #communication #relationshipadvice #relationshiptips #disagreements #conflictresolution #emotionalhealth