Food Central - Nutritious Healthy Food

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Top 6 Nutrients for Healthy Body
A healthy diet is one that emphasizes fruits and vegetables, lean meats, poultry, and fish, is LOW in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars, and adheres to your daily calorie requirements.
How Processed Food and Sugar interfere with our Body
Over the latter half of the past century, many developments in food processing technology have changed the traditional western diet rapidly. After the invention of fructose enrichment technology, vast amounts of high fructose corn syrup started to be developed and added to several basic foods.
Eat Better Feel Better
Research has shown that eating whole Foods is the safest way to manage your weight. The reason whole foods help with weight loss is that they have a very different impact on your body than processed foods. #healthyfood #weightloss #wholefood
Healthy Lifestyle Tips
Research has shown that eating whole Foods is the safest way to manage your weight. The reason whole foods help with weight loss is that they have a very different impact on your body than processed foods. Read More... #weightloss #healthyliving #healthyeating
Healthy Eating Plate
As research becomes more reliable in determining what we can eat to reach optimum health and weight, dietary recommendations have changed over the years. The best research to date shows that calories matter, but an equally important aspect of avoiding weight gain and encouraging weight loss is to concentrate on food quality. #healthyfood #weightloss #diet
How can we keep produce fresh longer
“This infographic is from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Visit for more information on healthful eating or to find a registered dietitian nutritionist.”
5 Health Benefits of Almonds
Almond nuts are rich sources of vitamins, and minerals and filled with numerous health promoting nutrients