Geeky Matters Blog

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80s Legends Of Sci-Fi/Fantasy: Fred Savage
If you were born anywhere in the vicinity of 1980, Fred Savage has probably been around for as long as you can remember. He was the adorable grandson in The
Steven Universe Sapphire Cosplay Costume Ideas
So, you’re a big fan of Steven Universe and want to cosplay as one of the characters. Awesome! Even better that you’re interested in doing a Sapphire costume.
11 Common Things That Weigh One Ounce
Whether you’re just looking for some fun facts to impress your friends with, or an easy way to determine how much postage that envelope needs, there are lots
42 Of The Coolest Geek Gifts For Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Birthdays, And More [All Ages!]
The air is crisping. The sun sets earlier. It’s that time of year. Cocoa. Falling leaves. Increasing panic as the holidays close in and you wrack your brain
10 Best Female Anime Characters To Cosplay (or Halloween Costumes)
Anime can be fun to watch, but getting to dress up as your favorite anime characters is even better. With numerous amounts of characters, it can be difficult
11 Geeky Things To Do In NYC For Geeks Of All Persuasions
Known for being a “city that never sleeps” – don’t worry early risers, it does – a city of fashion and the location for thousands of popular movies and TV
Cool Math Games For Every Age Group (Kids & Adults!)
When there was a rumor in early 2019 that Microsoft was shutting down popular math games site, people freaked out. There were online
Best Time To Buy Computer Parts (To Replace Or Build Your PC)
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of gaming on a PC you built. You know the machine inside and out, how hard you can push performance, and it’s styled
How To Play War (and 3 Unique Variations)
War is one of the simplest card games to learn. It’s a game of chance, no strategy involved, which makes it ideal for young children.
Types Of Wood For Carving (Tips For Your Next Project)
Woodcarving has been an enjoyable and even profitable pastime for many individuals over the years. If this is something you are curious about and may consider
LARPing Vs Cosplay: The Difference Between Cosplay And LARP Explained
So, you’ve just met someone who’s into LARPing and has invited you to join them. You might be tempted to call it cosplay. Don’t do it!
How To Cancel Twitch Prime
Twitch Prime has a lot to offer some Twitch users. A Twitch Prime membership includes a channel subscription, extra games and even exclusive content.
11 Geeky Things To Do In London For Geeks Of All Persuasions
London is one of the most visited cities in the world. Which makes sense.
Top 7 Yugioh Archetypes For Beginners
For anyone who doesn’t know, Yugioh is a strategic trading card game in which the player faces off against an opponent trying to reduce each other’s life