Positive mama

Positive mindset, mental health for moms. self-care practices, taking care of yourself, mental wellness for mom, self-care for moms.
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Losing weight as a mom of three: my act of self-care
Recovering from binge eating and the stress weight gain after three kids in less than five years. I'm doing this as an act of self-care because I deserve to feel energetic.
How to be a happy stay-at-home mom
Being a stay-at-home mom is intense and difficult, but we can do it, and we can enjoy it. We can learn to let go of the anxiety and frustration and just enjoy our kids, our home and this wonderful gift that is motherhood. Here are 14 amazing tips to have your days as a stay-at-home mom having a lot of fun and a peaceful family life.
Night Time Routine For Moms -Make Tomorrow a Good Day
Start the day off on the right foot EVERY day with these 10 quick and easy steps! A simple night time routine for stay at home moms that will set you up for a successful morning.
How to Start the Mom Morning Routine
How to Start the Mom Morning Routine You Need to Be Happy and Productive. Mom morning habits and routines are so important to set the tone for the day. I always like to start my days with prayer. Before I started getting intentional about my mornings, I'd wake up and the first thing. Here are some habits you can start now that'll make your days peaceful. The Morning Habits That Make Me A Better Mom.
Life-Changing Ways To Be Fulfilled As A Stay-At-Home Mom
Life-Changing Ways To Be Fulfilled As A Stay-At-Home Mom will help you enjoy waking up daily. These tips for stay-at-home moms will help you remember why you chose to stay home and how to become happy again. This post will help you not only survive but thrive as a stay-at-home mom. Being a new mom isn't easy, but I hope these mommy tips will make it a little easier. Being home every day can be tedious, but if you can be a productive stay-at-home mom, life becomes more enjoyable.
Workout routine to lose weight as a stay-at-home mom
An easy weight lifting routine to lose weight as a stay-at-home mom that has not lifted weights before. It's easy, varied, and you don't need to learn a lot about safe posture if you use the machines in the gym. Just learn how to do squats safely and start losing weight. Losing weight as a mom of three as an act of self care.
Sibling Problem-Solving: Teaching Kids To Resolve Conflict
The life of a mother whose children resolve their arguments and conflicts by themselves is an easy one.
How to avoid sibling rivalry and foster a good sibling relationship - Kind Donkey
How to avoid sibling rivalry and foster a good sibling relationship - Kind Donkey
How to cope with feeling touched out while breastfeeding
Feeling touched out is the normal response of your body to the overwhelming responsibility of motherhood. You feel the physical need for some personal space and time. Maybe you no longer enjoy a hug from your partner. You want to be left alone for a while, and sometimes breastfeeding feels like nails on chalk. Everyone needs to take their hands off of you, now!
Talking about feelings will make children happy.
Talking about feelings with little children will make them happy. Gentle peaceful parenting is about acknowledging and expressing feelings appropriately and without shame. Talking about feelings will help our children understand themselves and other people better, thus improving all of their relationships with adults and other children as well. And having good relationships is a proven way to be happy. Let's learn how to make your children happy.
Terrible Threes Humor
Do you have a terrible three? New mom life, postpartum mom, mom life, mom humor, tired mom, parenting life, parenting tips, parenting hacks.
Self love quotes you need to feel happier
Short self-love quotes, happiness self-love quotes.
1 Guidebook You Must Read If You Want Your Family to Grow Wealth
The little-known guide for modern parents who want to grow their family's wealth and raise kids who are financially-savvy and wealth-wise.