American Horror Story (AHS)

My AHS Pinterest board is centered primarily around the aesthetics of the show. Tho it's exceedingly organized (as per the Horror Haus usual), this isn't a "deep dive" "nerdvana" board (there will be no decoding, theme-tracking, character studies, etc). However, there are mega-AHS nerds that have done that work better than I ever could. If you're looking to scratch a particularly nerdy AHS itch, I recommend you start with AHS Wiki:
200 Pins
16 Sections
Apocalypse (story)/Media
Sarah Paulson as Ms. Wilhemina Venable, Cordelia Foxx, and Bille Dean Howard #sarahpaulson #wilheminavenable #cordeliafoxx #ahs #ahsapocalypse #ahs8 #womeninhorror #womenofhorror #horrortv #horrorhaus
Apocalypse (story)/Media
Evan Peters as Mr. Gallant and Tate Langdon #ahs #ahs8 #ahsapocalypse #evanpeters #mrgallant #tatelangdon #horrortv #horrorhaus
Apocalypse (story)/Media
Kathy Bates as Ms. Miriam Mead #ahs #ahs8 #ahsapocalypse #kathybates #miriammead #womeninhorror #womenofhorror #horrorhaus #horrortv
Apocalypse (story)/Media
Cody Fern as Michael Langdon #ahs #ahs8 #ahsapocalypse #codyfern #michaellangdon #horrortv #horrorhaus
Apocalypse (story)/Media
Leslie Grossman as Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt #ahs #ahs8 #ahsapocalypse #lesliegrossman #cocostpierrevanderbilt #womeninhorror #womenofhorror #horrortv #horrorhaus
Apocalypse (story)/Media
Billie Lourd as Mallory #ahs #ahs8 #ahsapocalypse #billielourd #mallory #womeninhorror #womenofhorror #horrortv #horrorhaus
Apocalypse (story)/Media
Adina Porter as Dinah Stevens #ahs #ahs8 #ahsapocalypse #adinaporter #dinahstevens #womeninhorror #womeninhorror #horrorpoc #pocinhorror #horrortv #horrorhaus
Apocalypse (story)/Media
Joan Collins as Evie Gallant #ahs #ahs8 #ahsapocalypse #joancollins #eviegallant #womeninhorror #womenofhorror #horrortv #allhailjoancollins #horrorhaus
Apocalypse (story)/Media
Kyle Allen as Timothy Campbell #ahs #ahs8 #ahsapocalypse #kyleallen #timothycampbell #horrorhaus
Apocalypse (story)/Media
Ashley Santos as Emily #ashleysantos #emily #ahs #ahsapocalypse #ahs8 #womeninhorror #womenofhorror #horrorhaus
12 Sep 2018 "It's a new world, West Coast."