mural music

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Sunny by Angie Mathot
This vector piece by Angie Mathot gets you warm just by staring at it. Powerful shot and one of our #DribbbleFaves!
Happy Mother’s Day from me, @cricut and this big mural! My mom always told me to do something fun and exciting with my career so it feels pretty surreal and full circle to be able to paint a Mother’s Day mural for work😌💐💚 mural location: Randolph and DesPlaines in Chicago’s West Loop📍#muralsformom
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Together Apart Street Art
En Avenida Sonora 141, en la Condesa, hay un espacio interactivo para poder ir a disfrutar de una Stella Artois con quien quieras de manera segura, a través de arte urbano. Y es que junto a Artsynonym hicieron una reproducción fiel del arte de Shepard Fairey, en la que las figuras geométricas muestran los espacios seguros para convivir.